LONDON | STR Global announced today the launch of the Hotel Market Forecast. The report will be presented at the International Hotel Investment Forum in Berlin this week. STR Global has partnered with, an economic consulting company based in the US, to provide two years of forecast data for 42 European markets and sub-markets.

Because the economic climate is changing so quickly, the Hotel Market Forecast will be updated with projections each month. The market forecast is based upon the most recent available economic data and STR Global’s historic market data. The advanced model considers about 300 economic indicators, including gross domestic product, the price of oil, exchange rates, consumer confidence and business sentiment. It also takes into account local drivers of a particular market. Each market has a unique model to predict future performance that includes the impact of destination brand and major local events, enabling subscribers to keep an eye on specific upcoming conditions.

“In this fast changing environment, it is vital to look at how the local economic conditions are affecting our industry,” said James Chappell, managing director of STR Global. “By studying these in combination with historic data from previous cycles, the Hotel Market Forecast will give much needed visibility on what is likely to happen. We have been looking at these models for several years now and are confident that this will be an important instrument in the market.”

“As our team of specialists from have been forecasting these markets for several years, we have had the opportunity to see how hotel markets react to major events and have built our models in such a way that capture the subtle nuances of these effects on each hotel market”, said Maria Simos, CEO of “What sets our approach apart from others is the true global nature and real-time updating of the monthly models, which take into account major shifts in policy or shocks to markets such as financial crises and geopolitical events. Some markets are more resilient, others may be adversely affected, and a few may benefit from such events. Our models capture these influences and help take away the uncertainty of the future in the market, thus improving planning and ultimately the bottom line.”

The Hotel Market Forecast gives subscribers the expected occupancy, average room rate and revenue per available room performance for a selected market for the following 24 months. To set the forecast in context, the report includes 18 months of historic hotel performance data and details of the key assumptions used. STR Global will also show how close the forecast was to what actually happened, so that trends can be better understood and charted.

Initial Markets include Vienna, Brussels, Prague, Copenhagen, Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart, Athens, Budapest, Dublin, Milan, Rome, Amsterdam, Warsaw, Lisbon, Moscow, Madrid, Geneva, Zurich, Istanbul, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Gatwick, Glasgow, Heathrow, Leeds, London, London split by grades, Manchester, Newcastle, Regional UK and Regional UK split by grades.

For further information, a sample or details of how to subscribe, contact Thomas Emanuel, Director of Sales at [email protected] or +44 207 922 1949.

About STR & STR Global: For more than 20 years, Smith Travel Research has been the recognized leader for lodging industry benchmarking and research. Smith Travel Research and STR Global offer monthly, weekly, and daily STAR benchmarking reports to more than 36,000 hotel clients, representing nearly 5 million rooms worldwide. STR is headquartered in Hendersonville, Tennessee, and STR Global is based in London. For more information, visit .

About e-forecasting:, an international economic research and consulting firm, offers forecasts of the economic environment using proprietary real-time economic indicators and produces company and industry-specific leading indicators for its clients. In cooperation with its affiliate, Infometrica, Inc., works with business publications and clients across the globe to provide country and state-level economic content on a monthly and quarterly basis thus their predictive intelligence input is used by practitioners around the globe.

Konstanze Auernheimer (STR Global)
Director of Marketing
+44 (0)207 922 1961
STR Global