TORONTO, ONTARIO – Today the Ontario Restaurant Hotel & Motel Association (ORHMA) applauded the McGuinty government's announcement of an increased investment of $32 million this year in the Ontario Summer Jobs program. This investment is welcomed support for small and medium sized hospitality operators who, in the midst of an economic recession, need as much financial assistance as possible to sustain their businesses.

The Summer Jobs Service, delivered by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities, facilitates the hiring of youth 15 to 30 years old and offers a $2/hour hiring incentive for employers participating in the program. The increased investment in this program comes at a time when labour costs are increasing and Ontario's restaurants are surviving on the lowest profit margins in the country, at less than 3 per cent of revenue.

The ORHMA encourages all Ontario hospitality employers to take advantage of the Summer Jobs Service in an effort to offset the increasing cost of doing business. To learn more about the Summer Jobs Service contact Employment Ontario at 1-800-387-5656 or visit .

"Ontario's hospitality industry is the largest employer of youth and it is essential to keep our young people employed in order to develop the workplace skills necessary for a successful career in the industry. Increasing labour costs at a time of weak consumer spending is proving to be a barrier to the employment chances of many young people. Summer Jobs provides an excellent opportunity for hospitality operators to develop tomorrow's workforce while offsetting some of the cost of doing business in a tough economic climate" said Tony Elenis, ORHMA President and CEO.

Provincial Foodservice Industry Highlights

  • $22 billion in sales
  • 60% owned and operated by independent operators
  • 6.1% of total provincial employment (approx. 407,000 direct jobs)
  • 18.8% of youth employment (183,000 direct jobs)

About the ORHMA

The Ontario Restaurant Hotel & Motel Association (ORHMA) is the largest provincial hospitality association in Canada. Representing more than 11,000 establishments across the province, the ORHMA is uniquely positioned to represent the interests of both the foodservice and accommodation industries. Visit the ORHMA on the web at .

Marco Monaco
Ontario Restaurant Hotel & Motel Association (ORHMA)