The National Business Travel Association (NBTA) today released figures estimating the enormous positive economic impact its 2009 International Convention & Exposition will generate, both in future bookings as well as during the Convention itself. The Convention, which will be held August 23 - 26 at the San Diego Convention Center, is considered The Business Travel Event of the YearSM.

The San Diego Convention Center Corporation conservatively estimates that NBTA bookings will represent approximately 60 meetings annually with an average attendance to 200 - 300, resulting in 18,000 attendees annually. This translates into $25.85 million in Direct Attendee Spending and an annual impact of $62.1 million for San Diego in the coming years.

During just the Convention event itself, NBTA will host 5,200 attendees, using a total 13,445 hotel room nights and generating $8.37 million in direct attendee spending and an estimated $20 million in economic impact.

Kevin Maguire, CCTE, GLP, NBTA President & CEO, said, “Corporate travel is vital to the success and growth of businesses, local economies, and millions of American jobs. NBTA is delighted by the positive economic impact our association, its members and our Convention attendees can bring to the city of San Diego, especially now as the industry as a whole is feeling the effects of the economic downturn."

Carol Wallace, President and CEO of the San Diego Convention Center Corporation, said, "San Diego is a top meeting and convention destination so we are thrilled to host NBTA at the San Diego Convention Center. Nothing beats an opportunity to showcase first-hand San Diego’s incredible hospitality, world-class attractions, prime hotels and dynamic restaurants to the more than 5000 attendees responsible for selecting cities for their future meetings."

The NBTA Convention gives the host city an opportunity to showcase its offerings to business travel decision-makers who manage billions of dollars in travel expenditures each year. The Convention draws travel managers who attend to maximize the value of their organization's travel programs, and travel suppliers who offer products and services that help travel managers meet that goal.

In addition the 2009 Convention, NBTA held its largest annual gathering here in 2005 and will return in 2013.

About the 2009 NBTA International Convention & Exposition | Widely recognized as the must-attend event for business travel buyers, suppliers, industry leaders and business travel journalists, the 2009 NBTA International Convention & Exposition will be held in San Diego August 23-26, 2009. More than 5,000 travel professionals are expected to take advantage of the Convention’s programming, designed to empower attendees to maximize value for their companies, including more than 65 seminars on the most important topics in business travel, more than 400 companies exhibiting in the Expo and countless opportunities for networking with peers. For details, visit .

About the Global Business Travel Association

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) is the world's premier business travel and meetings trade organization headquartered in the Washington, D.C. area serving stakeholders across six continents. GBTA and its 8,000+ members represent and advocate for the $1.48 trillion global business travel and meetings industry. GBTA and the GBTA Foundation deliver world-class education, events, research, advocacy, and media to a growing global network of more than 28,000 travel professionals and 125,000 active contacts. For more information, visit

About the GBTA Foundation

The mission of the GBTA Foundation, the US 501c3 charitable arm of GBTA, is to help the global business travel industry create a positive impact and a better future for people and the planet. The GBTA Foundation focuses on the strategy and execution of GBTA's global sustainability programs, supporting initiatives related to climate action; diversity, equity and inclusion; and other talent-related topics via education, research and advocacy. For more information, visit

Nicole Hayes
Assistant Manager, Communications
(703) 236-1133