News has spread about EHL's innovative new hotel management diploma concept and the competitive advantage it brings to its graduates in the hospitality industry. Enrolment for the session starting next September has nearly doubled in the French section, and nearly tripled in the English section!

This innovative 2-year programme in hospitality was launched last year as a new guilds hospitality concept. The Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management is designed for working professionals who have both some hospitality experience - and an entrepreneurial spirit! It helps students to perfect their hospitality skills while acquiring the advanced management and financial competencies needed to boost their careers – either through developing innovative concepts within the hotel company they work for, or else by launching their own hospitality project.

The originality of EHL's hotel management diploma is the individual, creative business project which is designed and developed by each student during the first three semesters of the programme. This project may be either a completely new and original hospitality concept, or an existing hospitality business such as a family hotel to which students may add some innovative features. For students who are already working in a hospitality company or international hotel chain, the project may focus on developing an aspect of their business. This creative hospitality project is developed alongside the regular hospitality courses that provide the specialized knowledge and project management skills necessary to launch a hospitality concept successfully.

The hospitality diploma programme itself is designed both as an intensive course in hospitality and managerial skills and as a framework for the creative business project. It begins by focusing on hospitality operations, with theoretical and practical courses on campus followed by a semester of in-company experience in a hospitality enterprise. The next semester focuses on supervision, hotel administration and leadership in the hospitality industry and is followed by a second semester of professional in-company hospitality experience.

The Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). In addition, it benefits from EHL's status as a recognized, degree-granting institution in the field of business education in hospitality and tourism management. Although the hospitality diploma is unique in its concept and content, it is roughly equivalent to the Swiss ES diploma and also corresponds to UK hospitality qualifications such as BTEC, excedel or City & Guilds.

EHL's hospitality diploma is a passport to a successful career in hospitality and tourism management. At the same time, as a NEASC-accredited degree at associate level, it opens the doors to future study abroad for students who would like to pursue higher studies in hospitality, or who are aiming for an international hospitality career.

Annick Barbezat-Perrin
Communication Manager
+41 21 785 13 49