Award Winning Social Media and Online Reputation Management System for Hotels — Photo by Milestone Inc.
Milestone Internet Marketing, Inc.

Milestone Internet Marketing announced today it won three silver awards in the recently concluded 2009 Adrian Awards Competition presented by the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI), the largest and most prestigious travel marketing competition globally. Out of nearly 1,100 entries submitted for this year's competition, Milestone was honored for its creative brilliance and best practices in web application design and programming for the hospitality and travel industries.

The highlight among the award-winning entries is a silver award for eBuzz Connect, Milestone's Social Media and Online Reputation Management System, in the Web Applications category. The system enables hotels to monitor and manage online reputation. eBuzz Connect serves as an online reputation management guide and demystifies how hotels and businesses can maximize gains and track online performance in social media channels. eBuzz Connect offers powerful reporting and the ability to provide actionable reports that can help hotels improve services to customers and eventually increase profitability.

Milestone recently presented eBuzz Connect at the 2009 Travel Innovation Summit held by PhoCusWright. Milestone was selected amongst a few leading hotel technology innovators to present at this conference. The Travel Innovation Summit represents the next big wave of innovation in the travel industry, and chooses only 30 out of hundreds of competing innovators from around the world to take the stage. The tool received rave reviews at the conference including the following comment from Tnooz Editor:

"Probably the best of the social media monitoring tools on (Travel Innovation Summit) show. A very well designed dashboard which includes every area of social media coverage such as TripAdvisor, Facebook, blogs, forums, Twitter et al. The tool also allows specific keyword analysis and the ability to weight the importance of coverage on individual sites. Not a game-changer by any means, but a useful service." - Kevin May, Editor, Tnooz Talking Travel Tech.

In addition, Milestone won the following awards for its innovative hotel website design and internet marketing strategies:

The Nick Hotel website ( was revamped following sophisticated search engine optimization (SEO) guidelines, incorporates several Web2.0 features, and is promoted using organic, local, and social media optimization techniques and paid search marketing. Since the site launched in August 2009, direct online bookings have increased dramatically on a month to month comparison. In its launch month of August 2009, the website generated over 300% increase in online bookings compared to August from the previous year.

The Historic Inns of Annapolis website ( was revamped keeping in mind the usability, relevancy, and the target clientele for the properties. Since the new website launched in late April 2009, website online bookings have increased from an average of 300 room nights per month to over 900 room nights per month.

To learn more about Milestone, please visit or email [email protected] or call (888) 350-8396.

About Milestone Inc

Milestone drives online leads and customer acquisition for over 2000 companies by building "Experiences" and "Discovery" natively in our platforms. Milestone solutions include a SEO-first CMS Platform, Personalization Engine, Website Design Services, Site Studio for scaling large volume of sites (for outlets), Local Listings, Schema Platform, Events Calendar Software, Analytics Platform, AI Content Studio, and Performance Marketing services. Milestone unique differentiator is that we drive more online leads and customer acquisition than our competitors. Milestone is a trusted partner to major hotel chains, management companies and independent upscale hotels and resorts including Marriott, IHG, Choice, Preferred Hotels, G6, Sun Outdoors, Crescent Hotels & Resorts, PM Hotel Group, Remington, etc. Milestone is amongst the highest-rated martech platforms with awards and recognition from Forrester, G2, Adrian Awards and many more organizations. URL:

Anil Aggarwal
+1 408-200-6871

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