MIAMI, FL | ZDirect announces the immediate launch of its Mobile Passport functionality as part of a commitment to provide enterprise eCRM solutions for hotels and resorts worldwide. Mobile Passport is an interactive personalized mobile web portal for every guest that is automatically generated by a reservation. The platform is fully integrated with the property management system and allows the customer to interact with the property before they arrive and whilst on property. Within Mobile Passport, the guest can perform functions such as travel planning, electronic concierge, advance check-in, room upgrades, and much more all to enhance the guest experience and generate incremental revenue for the property.

Shayne Paddock, ZDirect's CIO states, "We focused on new web technologies rather than building a proprietary app so we could reach the most guests possible. I'm excited to see the type of content our clients come up with since these portals offer full web 2.0 functionality. Isaac Wieder, CTO for ZDirect continues, "We live in a world where mobile communication is becoming commonplace. Giving our customers the competitive advantage of accessing and targeting their guests via a myriad of wireless channels is essential for their business."

ZDirect will be attending HITEC 2010 in Orlando, Florida at the Orange County Convention June 21-24th and will be showcasing the Mobile Passport functionality along with its complete eCRM platform.

US and the Americas / ASPAC inquiries:

Natasha Le Roux, Director of Sales, [email protected], 954.241.3396.

International inquiries:

Caren de'Ath, Director of Sales, [email protected], (US) 954.376.3409.

Hayes Thomas