The British Hospitality Association is working with the CSSC (Community Safety & Security Communication) project to help inform the hospitality industry and our members of issues regarding public safety & security particularly during the Olympic games period with a legacy for the future.

CSSC is born from the collaboration between London First and the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). It is designed to facilitate a partnership with businesses and the public sector on issues of safety & security. Initial focus is to improve the quality, scope and timeliness of sharing information to improve overall public safety & security particularly during the Olympic games period with a legacy for the future.

To date up to 25 separate industry sectors have been identified by the project team and an ISL (Industry Sector Lead) nominated for each sector. ISL’s were predominantly identified as a person or body who maintain an existing form of communication on safety and security issues within their respective industry sectors.

IHSM (Institute of Hotel Security Management) is one such organisation that has for many years maintained a healthy membership which frequently shares information of this nature and have taken on this role for the Hotel sector. I will be managing the role of ISL as Vice Chairman of IHSM along with two industry colleagues, Bob Stanbridge – Gouman Hotels and Malcolm Clark – Marriott Hotels.

Key Roles are to:

  • Share relevant safety & security Messages by all appropriate means
  • Provide expert feedback on the safety & security information we receive
  • Participate in routine conference calls with the Police and other ISLs to share information
  • Share information received from conference calls and by other means with industry sector members

NOCC – National Olympic Coordination Centre

This is made up of the public sector bodies listed below. They will be working together with ISLs to ensure business receives timely and relevant information,

  • Metropolitan Police (MPS)
  • City of London Police (CoLP)
  • British Transport Police (BTP)
  • National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO)
  • Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI)
  • Home Office (HO)

Information received from the NOCC will be shared with BHA via our IHSM Circulation system by email as the primary means. The type of information shared will be in the form of either: Routine, Emergency or a Change in status i.e. a change to planned events, roads, transport, travel, key events etc.

Of equal importance is the need for members of BHA to use this resource to feedback information into NOCC also. Members are encouraged to contact BHA with any questions they may have or to seek advice on any aspect of the games and their involvement with it or games activity in their local area. We can filter any such requests and may even be able to answer questions locally at IHSM.

All information received from the CSSC project will be shared directly with you as the BHA point of contact. The information that you then send to your members should not be re-interpreted or changed in any way that may risk changing or altering the original intended message.

Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]