Milestone Internet Marketing - Greystone Hotels Facebook Contest Case Study — Photo by Milestone Inc.
Milestone Insights ResearchTeam

While getting more fans on your Facebook page is only one piece of the puzzle of social media marketing, it is the most visible, and often frustrating, piece. For a new Facebook page, fan growth can be slow. Creating the right promotion for your brand is a great way to get new eyes, new fans and new customers. Greystone Hotels, a group of West Coast boutique properties, leveraged a Facebook driven contest to kick start their social media presence.

As a hospitality management company, rather than a single hotel, the challenge to build social brand value, drive likes and engagement, and increase reach for Greystone Hotels along with each of its individual locations was taken head on by social media marketing.

A key to a successful sweepstakes is increasing entries. This can sometimes be difficult, since most people tend to understand simple percentages: the more entrants, the lower the chances of any one individual winning. This means that if I want to win, I don't want anybody else entering. To overcome this obstacle, it helps to incentivize people to share the link to the sweepstakes entry page. Learn how Milestone helped Greystone Hotels implement this strategy and the results at Milestone Insights

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