Summary: HeBS Digital CEO Max Starkov will speak on meta search marketing at

EyeforTravel's Miami conference, "Online Marketing Strategies for Travel 2014: The Americas & Caribbean," June 2, 2014.

NEW YORK, NY - March 25, 2014 – HeBS Digital's President & CEO, Max Starkov, will

speak at EyeforTravel's Conference titled "Online Marketing Strategies for Travel 2014: The Americas & Caribbean," June 2, 2014 at the Ritz Carlton Miami.

Alongside Amy Labroo, Director of Global Marketing and eCommerce for Wyndham

Hotels and Resorts and Quentin Moores, Director, DerbySoft, Starkov will discuss the many facets of search marketing and meta search marketing as part of a session called "The Great Search Debate Continues: Analyze How The Rise of Meta Will Impact the Search Landscape."

Some of the topics discussed will be how to tailor SEO strategies to adapt to Google's

constant algorithm changes, including the latest Hummingbird update, which demands more editorial, quality content than ever before. Other questions to be tackled include:
  • Should travel marketers invest more money in Bing or does Google + hold the key to top search ranking?
  • How has mobile become a core feature of successful search strategies?
  • How does one integrate social media effectively within an SEO campaign?
  • Will audience based optimization revolutionize the paid search industry?

Always ahead of best practices and constantly in tune to the fluctuations of Google's

algorithm updates, HeBS Digital has pioneered many of SEO and SEM best practices in hospitality, and has stayed at the forefront of the meta search marketing explosion. The company has authored numerous articles on this integral part of today's most successful SEO and meta search strategies, including "Hotelier's Action Plan to Benefit from Google's New "Hummingbird" Algorithm", "The Top 10 Questions Hoteliers Should Be Asking Their SEO Vendor", "Treating Meta Search Marketing as a Distribution Channel Results in Loss of Direct Revenues for Hoteliers" and "Meta Search Marketing: The New Revenue Frontier in Hospitality."

HeBS Digital also offers the proprietary MetaSearch Gateway, marketing enablement

technology that allows any hotel, resort or casino to participate in the meta search programs such as Google Hotel Finder, TripAdvisor Meta Search,, etc. The MetaSearch Gateway is the only such advertising middleware available to the hospitality industry today. Advertising on the meta search sites is easy and stress-free if you partner with an experienced meta search marketing firm with sophisticated technology such as HeBS Digital's MetaSearch Gateway, a one-stop meta search marketing platform that enables, runs, manages, tracks, and reports on any property's meta search marketing campaigns.

"Meta search marketing is an extensive revenue generator for today's hotelier, helping

to shift share from the OTA's back to where it belongs—the property website," said Starkov. "Whether you are dealing with a branded or independent property, hoteliers must add meta search marketing to core marketing budgets, next to such obvious core initiatives such as SEO, SEM, online media and retargeting, email marketing and social media."

NOTE: Exclusive to HeBS Digital clients, partners and HeBS Digital Report

subscribers– use discount code HEBS100 to receive 20% off usual rates to attend EyeforTravel's Online Marketing Strategies for Travel 2014 Conference! Learn more about meta search marketing by attending EyeforTravel's Miami conference June 2-3, 2014.


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Mariana Safer
SVP Global Marketing