Park & Suites announced its acquisition of Appart'City in April 2014, making it the "new French leader" in the aparthotels segment. The combined group now has a total of 116 establishments ranging from 2 to 4 stars.

FASTBOOKING has been providing its expertise to Appart'City since 2005. This semester direct bookings rose of 67% YOY*.

Park & Suites has now decided to entrust all its residences to FASTBOOKING.

FASTBOOKING has thus become the e-commerce solution for the whole group of Park & Suites and Appart'City with the Booking engine, Channel manager, Direct Link and PMS 2-way connectivity. FASTBOOKING's GDS program was also selected, confirming the success of the hotel e-commerce specialist on the Global Distribution System Market.

"As the leading chain we have high expectations and specific needs. The consulting, the technology and the e-marketing offered by the FASTBOOKING teams fully meet these two requirements, as demonstrated by 2-way connectivity set up with Appart'City several years ago now" says David Lestruhaut, Sales and Marketing Director at Park & Suites / Appart'City.

"Our expertise is a strength" emphasises Jean-Gérard Galvez, CEO of FASTBOOKING. "Our products enable our customers to increase their direct sales and improve margins. Our openness in terms of connectivity ensures optimum overall administration. Centralized in this way on a single SaaS and pure cloud-based platform, and benefiting from our consulting teams' optimization, all distribution channels enable our customers to achieve their goal: to increase their RevPar".

* Total from January to June in 2013 and 2014

Referring to Park & Suites and Appart'City /

The Park & Suites Group, a subsidiary of M Finance, founded 14 years ago, has become a key player in the management of aparthotels.

The new group, formed by the merger of Park & Suites and Appart'City on April 4, 2014, is positioned as the French leader in urban aparthotels. With 116 establishments, or 13,567 apartments, the Group provides a definite hexagonal mesh and offers a range of accommodation ranging from 2 to 4 stars.

The new entity will meet the increasingly strong demand of a business-oriented clientele looking for a real living space to feel "at home" or for tourists who want to spend a few days in town or close to their families. The aparthotel is ideal for stays of one to several nights. With volume discounts based on length of stay and the services included or as individual options, the apart-hotel offers independence and freedom.

Stéphanie Dequir