Explore 6 practical scenarios for the future developed with 40 Hospitality Industry leaders and illustrated by our students. By 2030 the hospitality industry will have experienced many changes. EHL's Lausanne Report can help gain a better understanding of what to expect, and help prepare for the future.

#1 Shift of Market Power

Related Article: Will Globalisation fragment or consolidate the hospitality industry?

#2 Vulnerability on the Rise

Related Article: Is hospitality becoming more fragile or more resilient?

#3 In Search of a Sense of Belonging

Related Article: Will Communities or Individuals Determine the Future?

#4 The Emotional Experience

Related Article: Does the Guest of the Future want High Tech or High Touch?

#5 Smart Hotels depend on Smart Destinations

Related Article: Will Smart Hotels be Autonomous or Connected?

#6 The Scope of Knowledge

Related Article: Must future talents be empathic or efficient?

About EHL Group

EHL Group is the global reference in education, innovation and consulting for the hospitality and service sector.
With expertise dating back to 1893, EHL Group now offers a wide range of leading educational programs from apprenticeships to master's degrees, as well as professional and executive education, on three campuses in Switzerland and Singapore. EHL Group also offers consulting and certification services to companies and learning centers around the world. True to its values and committed to building a sustainable world, EHL Group's purpose is to provide education, services and working environments that are people-centered and open to the world. www.ehlgroup.com