These days we often take finding directions for granted. Easy smartphone apps like Google  Maps and Waze all but make paper maps and standalone GPS devices obsolete. Why then hasn't mapping found its way indoors? Historically, companies used sensors (commonly referred to as beacons) to accomplish the task, but hardware becomes obsolete quickly, battery maintenance is a challenge, and staffing is required to manage it all. Bottom line, these solutions haven't scaled and provided the necessary accuracy to deliver a tangible return on investment or any compelling use cases.

The Walt Disne  World Swan and Dolphin (S&D) property wants to change that paradigm in the hospitality industry, through a partnership with Mist Systems and TurnoutNow. Together, they plan to utilize Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy technology (BLE), artificial intelligence (AI), and virtualization to provide robust and flexible wayfinding and location-based services to guests.

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