Source: World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage (WTACH)

THE WTACH is the brainchild of its founder and CEO, Chris Flynn, a former director for the Pacific region at the Pacific Asia Travel Association, a role he held for 15 years.

He says emerging tourism destinations need more help. While there are overtourism abuses in economically developed, highly regulated destinations, Flynn argues that it is in lesser economically developed destinations where overtourism has disproportionately greater negative impact.

Tourism meltdown locations
"WTACH works with destinations to provide development strategies and policy framework recommendations to avoid the kind of tourism meltdown we are seeing at Angkor Wat, Phi Phi Island and Mt Everest," says Flynn.

WTACH's position is that tourism needs to respect host communities and their cultural and heritage assets by adhering to a framework that has the host community at its heart.

"It's time for the tourism industry to take step back and look at the long term impact of its decision making," says Flynn.

Social media and mobile devices aren't helping. Carolyn Childs, CEO of, and a member of the WTACH advisory specialising in analysing data and trends, says it is no coincidence that WTACH is being born at a time when 'selfie' culture and the promotion of 'Instagramable' travel is sweeping the world.

"A unique image can 'create' a destination in moments - often leaving it unprepared or wrong-footed," says Childs. "This is particularly true if the image runs counter to cultural values. It risks tourism losing its 'social licence' with host communities. Ironically, these 'instadestinations' risk destroying the very thing travellers are seeking," she warns.

The desire for 'authenticity' in travel is also problematic. Childs cites an AirBnB survey which found that over 80% of millennial travellers (and 93% of Chinese millennials) seek a "unique" experience and want to "live like locals" while on holiday.

Monetising authenticity
"The pressure on destinations and tour operators to find and monetise 'unique' and 'authentic' experiences will only increase as both millennial and mature travellers work through their 'been there done that' bucket lists," she says.

"Having the right frameworks in place help communities and tourists. They build a more sustainable destination that delivers truly rewarding experiences," she says.

On the supply side, WTACH believes that destinations should no longer make arrival numbers their holy grail.

The new association is deeply concerned that Turkey, for example, has decided to expand tourism arrivals from 40 million in 2018 to 70 million by 2023 - less than four years away.

"What interpretive and cultural safeguards have been put in place?" asks Flynn. "Have local communities been consulted? Is there an actual plan that involves a holistic government approach and key stakeholder and community engagement?"

Says Flynn: "At WTACH we know there's a better way. We are now seeking like-minded organisations and individuals to help us advance responsible tourism in culturally sensitive host communities."

Further information:

About World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage

WTACH seeks to establish clear goals, objectives and strategies for the protection of cultural heritage through responsible and sustainable tourism practices. Working in collaboration with public, private and specialist academic sector organisations, WTACH determines best practice ethical principles and standards in line with the most robust global research available. WTACH was established in 2018 by Chris Flynn, formerly Director – Pacific, at the Pacific Asia Travel Association. WTACH is based in New South Wales, Australia. Visit Email: [email protected]