San Francisco — Next week Beekeeper will unveil a new mobile capability at HT-NEXT in New Orleans that will enable every hotel employee to check the most up-to-date work schedules personalized to them and delivered straight to their pocket via Beekeeper.

Source: BeekeeperSource: Beekeeper
Source: Beekeeper

The idea for this solution came when Beekeeper identified a gap in the market for operational shift communication. Although there are many effective shift scheduling apps on the market, not many are a core part of central workplace communication platforms such as the Beekeeper app. The Beekeeper team worked closely with Hoteliers through extensive research, talking to shift hotel managers, frontline staff and guests about the impact of great service coverage and internal communication.

The new Shift Schedules is the ideal communications and planning solution for hotels operating shift teams. Hoteliers can check-out Beekeeper's Shift Scheduler in Booth #30 during HT-NEXT, to be held April 8 to 11 at the Hilton Riverside New Orleans.

Beekeeper was named hospitality industry's "most innovative technology" at HT-NEXT 2018, earning the event's coveted TechOvation Award for its workplace app that digitizes hospitality workers who don't sit behind a traditional desk and don't have access to work email. By connecting operational systems and communication channels within one secure, intuitive platform, Beekeeper is helping hoteliers exchange information, share property updates, and communicate best practices within or across departments in 30 languages.

HT-NEXT is a joint event produced by HTNG and Hospitality Technology magazine. Attendees will see the latest technologies, attend HTNG workgroups and participate in cutting-edge educational sessions. The 2019 event is focusing on "Authentic Innovation" to help hoteliers discover new solutions that will make a real difference in customer engagement, satisfaction and loyalty.

"We chose HT-NEXT 2019 to unveil Shift Schedules because of its focus on 'Authentic Innovation,'" said Connie Rheams, Beekeeper VP of Hospitality. "With this mobile solution, Shift Managers can upload the latest schedule to Beekeeper and trust that every staff member will know when and where their next shift will take place . . . employees can contact their managers if they wish to request a shift trade . . . and hoteliers will cover every shift, thanks to clearer communication and a streamlined process."

"While customer engagement is critical to building loyalty and driving revenues, employee engagement is equally as important - especially given today's labor shortage," Rheams said. "The Shift Schedules from Beekeeper will increase employee productivity by covering every shift with a trusted and easily accessible plan. It saves time and effort by delivering shift schedules straight to frontline workers' mobile devices - a platform where they can directly contact their managers and teams. More importantly, it reduces absenteeism, since workers always have the latest schedules at their fingertips, and it reduces use of non-compliant messaging services in the workplace by moving shift schedule communication to Beekeeper. These are just a few new ways that Beekeeper is making employee communication easier than ever before."

With Beekeeper's Shift Schedules:

Employees can . . .

  • Check their schedules on the go and view when they are working via calendar view or list view
  • Receive notifications for both new shifts added and for changes to existing shifts
  • See shift data like the shift title / code, color, date, start time, and end time of their shift
  • See for how long they are working

Operators can . . .

  • Centralize shift communication in one platform
  • Work smarter by delegating shift management to frontline teams
  • Build shift-schedule integrations with 3rd party tools on Beekeeper's well-structured API
  • Increase activation on Beekeeper by uploading the latest shift schedule in Excel format and letting Beekeeper deliver personalized schedules into the hands of employees
Source: BeekeeperSource: Beekeeper
Source: Beekeeper

Beekeeper 'Locations' Also on Display at HT-NEXT

In January, Beekeeper released a new feature set called "Locations" that empowers corporate / headquarters administrators to accurately reflect the structure and working styles of their organization in their digital workplace app - right down to real-time local management and engagement. Like Shift Schedules, Locations provides hotel employees with the right tools they need to do their jobs.

Beekeeper Locations enables companies to mirror their organization set-up. It allows property managers to independently on and off-board employees, upload and update key employee documents (from schedules to the weekly canteen menu), measure employee engagement, and evaluate which content is most interesting to staff. It empowers them to run their own show locally instead of relying on HQ to drive the efforts and activities. More importantly, at any moment, corporate admins can log in and receive the same data in real time. At a global level, administrators get a clear overview of exactly what's going on and can zoom in on properties at the click of a button.

To pre-schedule an appointment with Beekeeper during HT-NEXT, email [email protected]. To learn more about Beekeeper and its award-winning employee-engagement platform, visit


Beekeeper empowers frontline businesses and their workers with the digital solutions they need to do their best possible work. Founded in 2012, Beekeeper's mobile-first platform was designed and built for deskless employees who — despite representing 80% of the global workforce — have been chronically underserved when it comes to workplace technology. With Beekeeper's Frontline Success System, companies can automate paper-based processes, communicate with employees in real-time from anywhere, and improve the engagement, productivity, and safety of frontline teams.

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Barb Worcester
+1 440 930 5770