Source: VENZA

As the hospitality industry's guide in today's ever more treacherous journey toward data protection, VENZA has always sought to provide up-to-date expertise and tools to achieve, assess, track and document progress. For example, during VENZA's central involvement in HTNG's GDPR for Hospitality workgroup, close attention was given to the unique needs that hotel groups have with regards to privacy regulations (i.e. GDPR, CCPA). As a result, VENZA launched a program that includes access to the Privacy Nexus privacy management system. Flush with multiple functionalities to facilitate compliance (e.g. Data Inventory, Data Subject Request Management, Incident & Breach Management, 3rd Party Management), through the partnership with VENZA, Privacy Nexus is equipped with templates for hotel systems and processings. These templates, along with the always-welcome assistance of VENZA's on-staff Privacy Engineers, ensure maximum meaningful application of the system.

"Consisting of a team of privacy consultants and software experts, working with Privacy Nexus makes good sense for any organization seeking to satisfy their privacy regulation responsibilities", says Renske Nouwens, Privacy Nexus's Commercial Director. "By combining our team with VENZA's hospitality-industry expertise, we've achieved a product that can deliver value soon after rollout."

Privacy Company (parent to Privacy Nexus) Director, Frank Koppejan, added, "We seek to make sure that our products are designed to make privacy as practical and easy as possible. When it comes to hospitality, I cannot imagine a partnership better suited to deliver against that goal than working with VENZA."

"Our singular focus is to assemble a suite of resources, from corporate to on-property, tech stack to culture, for an industry hungry to protect data and demonstrate a commitment to privacy," said Daniel Johnson, Partner/Co-Founder of VENZA. "Our close collaboration with the Privacy Nexus team, who just happens to be located a little less than one kilometer from VENZA's Dutch office, has been and continues to be the epitome of effective teamwork."

In addition to serving as a vehicle for privacy regulation compliance, studies show that generating thorough processing inventories and other required activities can lead to significant additional organizational benefits. Not least of which, GDPR compliance has shown to reduce data breach risk by 15%. Compliance is a journey and as your guide, VENZA and their partners (e.g. Privacy Nexus) aim to ensure that hoteliers reap the maximum benefits from their very necessary investment in data protection.

About Privacy Nexus
Privacy Nexus is a privacy-management software tool (SaaS) proudly presented by Privacy Company. We offer a complete portfolio of privacy-consultancy and privacy-management software. Privacy Company is a privately held company, with offices in The Hague and in Berlin. As a team, with more than 100 years of privacy experience, we strive for privacy innovation by sharing knowledge to make privacy and data protection clear and easy for everyone. We serve customers, with a local as well as a global footprint, with privacy regulation implementations in different types of industries.


Drawing on decades of experience, VENZA is a data protection company that can help organizations mitigate their vulnerabilities and ensure compliance, keeping guests and their data safe from breaches. By delivering a security solution for readiness, reassurance and response, VENZA offers 360-degree visibility for proactive management of risks — so users can focus on guest service and building trust in their brand. Better visibility means better defense. Know the risks, protect the enterprise with VENZA.

More than 225,000 users in 100+ countries look to VENZA for tools, technology, and strategic security support. Founded in 2008 with a decade of service to the hospitality industry, VENZA is a privately held company with regional offices in Atlanta, GA, Pensacola, FL, New Albany, IN and The Hague, Netherlands. For more information visit

Sean Shields
Brand Ambassador

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