Hospitality Technology Next Generation (HTNG) introduces new hospitality executives to serve on the organization's board of governors and veteran industry leaders to serve as executive advisors to the board.

HTNG's Board of Governors is the key direction-setting body for the association's short- and long-term mission and strategy. Consisting of 24 CIO-level IT executives from world-leading hotel groups and hospitality venues, HTNG's board actively provides guidance on key issues facing industry leaders to help improve technology for over three million hotel rooms worldwide.

HTNG's new board members are:

  • ​Harish Chandra, CTO, Sarovar Hotels Pvt. Ltd.
  • Bryan Hammer, Vice President of IT, Belmond Hotels
  • Neil Menezes, Head of IT, AMAALA

HTNG Executive Advisors are industry experts whose activities include attending board meetings, serving on many board-appointed committees and in some cases acting as board liaisons for HTNG workgroups.

HTNG's additional advisors are:

  • ​Donna Hale, Managing Partner and vCIO, 5P Consulting
  • Page Petry, PDPetry Consulting

To view HTNG's Board of Governors, please visit:

To view HTNG's Executive Advisors, please visit:

About Hospitality Technology Next Generation (HTNG)

Part of the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA), HTNG the premier technology solutions association in the hospitality industry, HTNG serves members from hospitality companies, technology vendors to hospitality, consultants, media and academic experts. HTNG's members participate in focused workgroups to bring to market open solution sets addressing specific business problems. HTNG fosters the selection and adoption of existing open standards and also develops new open standards to meet the needs of the global hospitality industry.

Currently more than 400 corporate and individual members from across this spectrum, including world leading hospitality companies and technology vendors, are active HTNG participants. HTNG's Board of Governors, consisting of 22 top IT leaders from hospitality companies around the world, itself has technology responsible for over 3 million guest rooms and world-leading venues. HTNG publishes workgroup proceedings, drafts and specifications for all HTNG members as soon as they are created, encouraging rapid and broad adoption. HTNG releases specifications into the public domain as soon as they are ratified by the workgroups.