"When you break an arm, you go to the doctors or hospital, but we don't do the same when it comes to problems with our mental health. Even though we see more and more people are encountering problems with it."

This quote, in combination with a conversation about the difference between Mental Health and Mental Wellbeing, the practises future leaders use to stay motivated and keep themselves mentally fit and an answer to the question: What are the benefits are from paying from knowing and actively working on your own Mental Health? If you are curious, then listen to this episode of the Hospitality Unsettled podcast—Starring Hotelschool The Hague students Mairama Cissé and Lotte van de Ven.

About the Hospitality Unsettled Podcast

The Hospitality Unsettled Podcast is a student-driven podcast where every week, we explore the role of hospitality in topics where you least expect it. Additionally, we sit together with both current and future leaders to find out how they see developments in their industry and their impact on the future of Hospitality.