Ally Northfield, MD at Revenue by Design Ltd — Source: Revenue By Design

Revenue by Design, leading revenue management training and outsource provider, today launched Revenue Academy, an online learning platform designed to share, build and drive revenue management knowledge and understanding throughout the industry.

With government restrictions forcing the suspension of classroom-based learning, Revenue Academy sees their long-established best-in-class training programmes, run by Revenue by Design, converted to an online environment. Courses are based on the combined expertise of leading revenue management experts and educators and brought together by Ally Northfield, MD, Revenue by Design. They combine fundamental revenue management principles with practical experience of building profit optimising strategies for hotels and accommodation providers worldwide.

The modular based, instructor lead courses have been designed so that users can build training programs specific to their needs and objectives. While supporting revenue professionals as they look to advance their skills and knowledge, it is hoped that smaller establishments such as B&B's and guesthouses, who are looking for new ways to understand and increase both top and bottom-line growth, will also benefit from the online learning. A phased approach sees entry level courses launched initially, with courses for the more advanced revenue practitioner coming soon.

Ally Northfield, Managing Director, Revenue by Design "This has been a true labour of love for myself and the Revenue by Design team. The pandemic has stopped us all in our tracks, but the requirement for accessible and affordable revenue management learning is needed now more than ever as hotels plan their recovery. We are delighted to launch a solution that can provide a practical and accessible means to share the skills, knowledge and strategies required to transform profitability."

For more information, please see

About Revenue by Design

Revenue by Design provides business transforming revenue management and distribution solutions to the hospitality industry focused on driving top and bottom-line profitability. For over 15 years, Revenue by Design has supported hotels and accommodation providers globally to achieve optimal revenues and profitability, with flexible and cost-effective outsourced revenue management services and best in class training programmes. For more information visit or

Michelle Casey
Director of Sales and Marketing
0044 7951538838