Source: GlobalData Plc

Travel management company (TMC) Egencia Travel’s game-changing new tool, which enables business travelers to compare rail alternatives to flights before purchase, will meet the modern-day demands of corporate travel programs, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

Craig Bradley, Associate Travel & Tourism Analyst at GlobalData, commented: “Cost and sustainability are key factors in many organizations’ environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) plans. With sustainability a major trend in tourism, and concerns with travel budgets remaining, there is a higher demand for low-cost and sustainable travel solutions. Subsequently, other TMCs will face pressure from clients to offer similar solutions to the air-rail comparison tool, resulting in more adopters of this booking mechanism. This will allow organizations and individual business travelers to make more informed choices about how they get from A to B, leading to a more sustainable future within business travel.”

Demand for sustainability from travelers is clear

According to a survey by GlobalData, 76%* of respondents said they were influenced by how ethical/environmentally-friendly/social responsible a product/service is, highlighting the appetite for more sustainable offerings.

Read the full article at GlobalData Plc