HeBS Digital and Google "Direct is Better" Event — Photo by NextGuest merged with Cendyn
Margaret Mastrogiacomo - The Anatomy of a Multi-Channel Campaign — Photo by NextGuest merged with Cendyn

HeBS Digital hosted a session with Google at their NYC headquarters, placing the spotlight on ways hotel digital marketers can maximize revenues from the direct online channel. The two companies collaborated to provide valuable insights on the industry's latest innovations, tips on how to lower distribution costs, best utilize Google's newest products, and steal market share from the competition and the OTAs.

Following the overarching theme of "Direct Is Better," experts from Google and HeBS Digital covered an array of pressing hospitality digital marketing issues. Speakers laid the groundwork for direct online channel success by offering insights on multichannel campaign execution, implementation of a 'direct-website first' marketing approach, and how to engage the travel consumer during each stage of their journey to a booking.

Topics covered at the "Direct is Better: 2016 Action Plan to Maximize Revenues and Lower Cost-of-Sale" Event included:

"How to Implement a 'Direct is Better' Strategy" – presented by Sara O'Brien, HeBS Digital Associate Director of Marketing, and Emily Ditman, HeBS Digital Associate Director of Client Services

Despite the fact that the recession is over and hoteliers have an array of revenue-driving tools and technologies available to them, hotels are still losing online share of voice at an alarming rate. Why are hotels losing the battle against OTAs, and how can hotels turn the tide?

OTAs may be spending billions in search engine marketing, but that only amounts to approximately $300 per month, per property. An independent property with the right approach can leverage its data to outsmart, outspend, and outearn even the most parasitic of OTAs. The key to success is harnessing the invaluable information that only the hotel possesses: first-hand knowledge of the market, the property, and its past guests.

Learn more about implementing a direct-first strategy by downloading HeBS Digital's "Direct is Better" Checklist.

"The Anatomy of a Multi-Channel Campaign" – presented by Margaret Mastrogiacomo, HeBS Digital Senior Director, Creative Strategy

Margaret Mastrogiacomo walked the audience through the ins and outs of planning and executing a successful multichannel campaign. With the help of Nicole Ferrer, Corporate Director of Sales & Marketing at Triumph Hotels, and Tony Aslanian, Director of Sales & Marketing at The Grove Resort & Spa, the talk highlighted the three most important steps of building a multichannel campaign:

  • Who: building a customer persona
  • What: determining campaign messaging
  • When: mapping the path to purchase

Watch an instructive video on how to execute a multichannel marketing campaign strategy targeting a specific business-need on HeBS Digital's YouTube channel.

"Micro-Moments: The New Travel Consumer Journey" – presented by Victoria Fabiano, Agency Development Manager at Google

Victoria Fabiano provided invaluable context and easily digestible data related to the travel planner's journey to booking. The presentation focused on micro-moments – the all-important moments at which travel planners reflexively turn to their devices to act on a need – and the impact of these intent-rich moments, when knowledge is gained, discoveries are made, preferences are shaped and decisions take place. These micro-moments happen via more diverse channels by the day, with a 50% year-over-year increase in mobile searches within the travel category and a two-fold increase in mobile conversion rates for travel content.

The hotelier's greatest opportunity lies in the smallest moments: "I want to know," "I want to go," "I want to book," and "I want to do."

As an official Google Partner, HeBS Digital enjoys access to unique tools and insights, along with a direct connection to Google itself. HeBS Digital earned its Google Partner status by passing a series of Google advertising certification exams, adhering to best practices, and delivering consistently strong results for its client portfolio.

Contact [email protected] if you would like information concerning upcoming HeBS Digital and Google co-hosted events.

About HeBS Digital

Founded in 2001, HeBS Digital is the industry's leading digital technology, full-service hotel digital marketing, website design and direct online channel consulting firm based in New York City (www.hebsdigital.com).

HeBS Digital has pioneered many of the "best practices" in hotel digital marketing and website revenue optimization, as well as a range of industry-first digital technology applications. The firm has won more than 300 prestigious industry awards for its digital marketing and website design services, including numerous Adrian Awards, Davey Awards, W3 Awards, WebAwards, Magellan Awards, Summit International Awards, Interactive Media Awards, and IAC Awards.

Contact HeBS Digital's consultants at (212) 752-8186 or [email protected].


NextGuest provides hoteliers with everything they need to thrive in the digital world, with bespoke technology solutions developed to meet the needs of luxury hotel clients coupled with elegant design capabilities that bring brands to life. We marry the power of data with brand discovery to uncover unique strategies that apply to everything from website design, content marketing, CRM, and more, helping the world's top hotel brands maximize ROI as they acquire, convert, and retain guests throughout the travel planning journey. While each of our services is available on its own, the integrated technologies, marketing, and consulting offerings work together to increase digital engagement and generate revenue for hoteliers, allowing them to focus on what matters most — serving their guests. www.nextguest.com | [email protected]

Max Starkov
NextGuest merged with Cendyn