Jurgen Ortelee, principal director of sales in Asia Pacific at IDeaS — Photo by traveldailymedia.com

Jurgen Ortelee, principal director of sales at Asia Pacific in IDeaS talks about the importance of loyalty in the hotel sector in the changing times and how it can act as a key differentiator in a fiercely competitive, digitally focused booking environment.

In a time when attracting demand is a sizable challenge for all hotels, any business can seem like good business. Whether a guest is a return customer, or not, can seem less important compared to just having a guest to accommodate. Which raises the question, does loyalty even matter in a disrupted market?

While there are many competing priorities for hotels operating today, attracting and maintaining loyal guests should not be overlooked. After all, people are more likely to turn to hotels and brands they know and trust when booking in uncertain times. The importance of loyalty in the hotel sector can act as a key differentiator in a fiercely competitive, digitally focused booking environment. To foster guest loyalty today, more than ever hoteliers need to ensure they meet guest needs and focus on value rather than price to attract and retain guests.

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