, USA and Moscow, Russia | Kennedy Training Network (KTN) USA, the hotel industry’s best source for training in the topic areas of reservations sales, front desk hospitality/guest service excellence, and revenue optimization, and Big Tree Hospitality Training Company, provider of training, mystery guest and mystery call programs for hotels in Russia and the CIS, announced today the official signing of an alliance partnership agreement to develop and market training services in the Russian & the CIS Markets.

The companies will work together to adapt the current KTN programs and services and also to develop new training materials for the Russian hospitality market with full accordance to international standards. The companies will also focus on the implementation of new reservations mystery shopping standards for the assessment and benchmarking of hotel reservations performance in the Russian and CIS hotels.

KTN and Big Tree also announced plans to schedule a series of open Master Certification Classes that will be conducted by Doug Kennedy and his KTN team in Moscow.

KTN President Doug Kennedy said…“We’re extremely excited to be reaching out to the hotel industry in Russia and CIS through this alliance partnership.” “We were immediately comfortable working with the Big Tree team and it was easy to recognize they had the level of professionalism and years of experience we were looking to affiliate with,” he added.

“I am very optimistic regarding the future of the partnership, because in Russia we are still evolving the standards and trainings that are common for the international hospitality market. I think that KTN’s training methodology will be of great value and demand for Russian hotels”, commented Andrei Malyshev, Managing Director, Big Tree Hospitality Training Company.

About Kennedy Training Network | KTN provides customized, on-premise workshops, area-wide training seminars, private webinars, and reservations mystery shopping for hotels, brands, and management companies. Based in Hollywood, FL, (near Miami), KTN provides its services throughout North America for clients such as Kimpton Hotels, Peabody Hotel Group, Pegasus Solutions, and Myrtle Beach Resorts, along with over numerous private lodging companies and call centers. Visit or contact them via e-mail at: [email protected]

About Big Tree | Big Tree Hospitality Training Company provides training, HR assessment, Mystery Guest and Mystery Call services for hotels and hotel chains in Russia and the CIS. The company offers hotels a strong team of trainers and rich materials on all aspects of hotel service. The overall hotel experience of trainers within company is more then 71 years in hotels of all sizes and profiles especially at international hotel chains. Visit Big Tree Hospitality Training at or contact via e-mail at [email protected].

Doug Kennedy
Kennedy Training Network (KTN)