TRI Hospitality Consulting is delighted to announce the relaunch of the London Hotel Development Monitor in partnership with Visit London.

In the July issue we present statistics on future hotel supply forecasted in London up until 2013, illustrating the potential supply by London borough. Currently, there is an estimated 13,000 new hotel rooms forecast to enter the London market by 2012, as investors look forward toward the 2012 games and beyond.

Published by Visit London and TRI Hospitality Consulting, the newly re-launched London Hotel Development Monitor tracks scheduled hotel openings, development “hot spots” and potential gaps in the market.

The London Hotel Development Monitor will be updated on a quarterly basis and will examine various aspects of the London hotel market with more information and data provided on the sector as the London Hotel Development Monitor evolves.

The London Hotel Development Monitor is free to partners of Visit London. Non-members can subscribe via the Visit London website.

For the latest update or for more information on the London Hotel Development Monitor visit

David Bailey
+44 (0)20 7892 2202
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