Automated Best Rate Guarantee in the RezTrip CRS — Photo by Pegasus

Travel Tripper is excited to announce the upcoming beta launch of it's patent-pending Automated Best Rate Guarantee feature - one of our most exciting features to date!

Rate Parity issues are common in our industry due to a variety of reasons including technology issues, human error and even unauthorized special discounts offered on OTA channels. In order to counter such concerns, with the launch of the Automated Best Rate Guarantee feature, the RezTrip booking engines (website, mobile and call center) will be able to shop your own hotel's rates across various OTAs and ensure that consumers are always offered the best price right on your own website.

When RezTrip displays availability results, the Automated Best Rate Guarantee feature, which also acts as a micro-meta search engine, will display prices on the OTA sites alongside the hotels own rates. If the hotel's rates higher, RezTrip will dynamically and in real time offer an instantly bookable price-matched offer. Hotels will also be able to offer an additional discount over the lowest OTA rate as a reward to customers for uncovering a rate parity incident.

If the hotels' rates are on par or better, the guest is provided with the confidence to book on the hotel's own website. This reduces the chance the guest will shop the hotel elsewhere, on OTA sites and will result in higher conversion rates.

The benefits of the Automated Best Rate Guarantee feature include:

  • Increases ADR by generating more direct bookings
  • Unprecedented pricing transparency which instill confidence in consumer
  • Protects the hotel against human and system error and alerts the hotel revenue manager of price discrepancies
  • Automates the hotel's Best Rate Guarantee Program and actually makes it meaningful
  • Harnesses crowd-sourced customer behavior to perform rate shops on behalf of the hotel, saving the hotel money spent on rate shopping tools
  • Performs the function of meta search sites for consumers interested in your specific hotel

The initial beta launch, planned for mid to late July 2014 of the Automated Best Rate Guarantee feature will be limited to consumers shopping from within the United States for hotels also in the United States. A wider roll out will be scheduled after the initial beta period.

About Travel Tripper

Travel Tripper ( is an innovative technology solutions provider that helps hotels worldwide increase conversions and distribution share through electronic and call center channels. In addition to distribution services, Travel Tripper also provides a suite of web and Internet marketing products, and RevUP, a powerful business intelligence platform for hotels. Travel Tripper is a privately held company based in New York City.

Justeen Nason