Cyril Mc Aree, Editor Hotel & Restaurant Times, Alex Gibson, Assistant Head of School, School of Hospitality Management and Tourism, Dublin Institute of Technology, Frank Reeves, CEO and Co-founder, Avvio, Stephen Williams, Sales and Marketing Director at Windward Management, Karen Rafferty, Marketing Manager Avvio, and Ingunn Hofseth, President and CEO, HSMAI Europe, at the recent Dublin meeting founding the HSMAI Europe Irish National Advisory Board. — Photo by HSMAI Europe

HSMAI is in the process of revitalising its presence on the Emerald Isle, organised by HSMAI Europe, assisted by a national advisory board and headed by Windward Management's Stephen Williams and hospitality tech company Avvio.

"Ireland had its very own HSMAI chapter - HSMAI Ireland - covering the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland not many years ago. Activities sadly dwindled during the tough economic climate, despite a solid core of key people still eager to be involved with HSMAI Europe," says Ingunn Hofseth, President and CEO of HSMAI Europe.

"This time around the Irish activities will be held under HSMAI Europe's direction, assisted by the HSMAI Europe Irish National Advisory Board," she continues. "I am very pleased to see Mr Stephen Williams and Mr Alex Gibson, who both played key roles, as Chairs in the former HSMAI Ireland chapter, on board with us now."

The HSMAI Europe Irish National Advisory Board currently constitutes:

  • Stephen Williams, Sales and Marketing Director at Windward Management (Chair)
  • Alex Gibson, Assistant Head of School, School of Hospitality Management and Tourism, Dublin Institute of Technology
  • Karen Rafferty, Marketing Manager, Avvio
  • Cyril Mc Aree, Editor, Hotel & Restaurant Times

"We probably couldn't pull this off at this stage if it hadn't been for the assistance of Frank Reeves and his team at Avvio, Ireland's leading booking platform provider, who have been HSMAI Europe sponsors since last autumn and are now stepping up as one of our main sponsors," Ms Hofseth adds.

"We`re thrilled to help HSMAI Europe expand their activities to the Irish market. As a leading booking platform provider in Ireland, we assist our clients every day in the provision of supporting revenue-drive and digital marketing services. Being able to bring a greater level of skills insights and case sharing to our clients is always our ambition," says Avvio's CEO and Co-founder Frank Reeves, elaborating:

"From our experience with HSMAI Europe, the organisation is genuinely committed to running informative and practical events, where their members can take away usable ideas and engage in worthwhile initiatives to help grow their business," says Karen Rafferty, Marketing Manager at Avvio. " They run a Revenue Management Certification and are soon to launch a Digital Marketing Certification to help continuously train their members in up-to-date methodologies and best practices. HSMAI liaise and work with Industry experts who have a depth of experience to ensure the content and programme they deliver follows best-in-class practice while being realistic, achievable and yet always looking to the future."

"From our experience with HSMAI Europe, the organisation is genuinely committed to running informative and practical events, where their members can take away usable ideas and engage in worthwhile initiatives growing business. They run a Revenue Management Certification and are soon to launch a Digital Marketing Certification to continuously train their members in up-to-date methodologies and best practices. HSMAI liaise and work with Industry experts who have a depth of experience to ensure the content and programme they deliver follows best-in-class practice while being realistic, achievable and yet always looking to the future."

"I am delighted to Chair the HSMAI Europe Irish National Advisory Board." says Stephen Williams, Sales and Marketing Director at Windward Management. "With the assistance of HSMAI Europe we are looking at developing a range of exciting educational programmes in the coming months, which will initially focus on Revenue Management and Digital Marketing for the hospitality industry throughout Ireland." He continued: "HSMAI has a long tradition of delivering quality and relevant seminars to the industry and I would encourage those involved in the hospitality sector to support our initiatives and assist us with delivering the relevant training and mentoring needed to cater to the future educational requirements of the industry."

HSMAI Europe will host its first Irish national conference in Dublin, at the Gresham Hotel on Wednesday 16 September, focusing on Technology and Revenue Optimisation.

About HSMAI Europe

HSMAI – Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International – is a global organization founded in the US in 1927. HSMAI Region Europe is the European arm of the organisation. HSMAI Europe aims to be a key influencer, pioneer and the go-to industry resource for professional development, commercial strategies and sustainability in the hospitality, travel and tourism industry. Read More

Ingunn Hofseth
CEO & President, HSMAI Europe
HSMAI Europe