Leapfrogging the challenges of delivering open-source analytics — Source: Triometric

EGHAM, UK – Triometric, the leading provider of real-time API monitoring and business intelligence to online travel companies, today announced the general release of the Trio Data Engine designed to enable travel businesses to overcome the challenges of managing high volumes of real-time XML data and to leverage the insights it contains. Trio Data Engine takes the company's core analytics platform to the next level in API traffic analysis, by offering an agnostic processing hub for transforming raw data into enriched and aggregated data fit for downstream analysis by wide range of popular commercial reporting tools, but also Big Data Open-source analytic systems such as Kibana with its related Elasticsearch technology and those promising but data hungry AI systems.

The ability to quickly gather, analyse and visualise data from different sources empowers business leaders to make faster and more informed decisions. But today's enterprise data landscapes present considerable challenges with proliferating data sources and destinations. The sheer volume and complexity can make it difficult for travel companies to leverage their chosen business intelligence (BI) reporting tools to unify their data assets and extract meaningful insights. Technology investments driven initially by website clickstream analysis requirements struggle to accommodate more complex data sources in a meaningful way. This is especially true for the Search and Booking transactions flowing through the network of travel APIs that contain structured data in the form of XML or JSON. The surfacing of actionable information from these sources requires specialised processing technology while the in-house approach is a technically difficult, high risk and time-consuming strategy that can quickly leave business users frustrated with the IT providers.

Overall, many enterprises routinely spend more effort and money on infrastructure management and data preparation, than they are able to on analysis. Delivery is key. The delayed over budget IT project costs may be significant but they are often overwhelmed by the lost opportunity. In addition, data often resides in robust legacy technology designed to handle simple transactions like ticket sales, not process intensive tasks like business analytics. Powerful analytic tools have emerged, but the quality of their analysis is dependent on organised and cleansed data. Aggregating and enriching large volumes of real-time XML data and getting it fit for search queries is a fantastic opportunity for API dependant organisations to steal a march on their competitors.

To address this opportunity, the Trio Data Engine performs the heavy lifting needed to deliver critical business insight over API performance, product availability in a very dynamic supply to demand environment, the actual offers being made and tracking their conversion. For the advanced businesses, there is also the prospect of digging much deeper into customer behaviour patterns and using the data to formulate more customised offers. This type of data is the bedrock for AI based approaches to dynamic pricing and offer generation.

"Triometric is delighted to be able to help airlines and hotels overcome the constraints of accessing large and complex data sets for use in deep B2B travel analysis that can help them drive dynamic distribution and revenue management decisions said, Matthew Goulden, CEO of Triometric. "With Trio Data Engine we are providing a strong componentised data management and analytic foundation that helps our customers use the right tools to uncover the insights that provide vital competitive advantages."

At a technology level, Trio Data Engine provides multiple inputs that include AWS Cloud, Kafka queues and network monitoring as well as outputs such as Kibana (a popular open source BI reporting tool) and an API for automated analytical systems such as pricing engines, making it an ideal platform to manage the complexities of data capture, aggregation, extraction, translation and distribution. High scalability, accuracy and near real-time processing are the hallmarks of the core Triometric platform. Today the company's systems across the travel spectrum process more than 3 billion transactions per day.

Working with existing clients, Triometric's XML analytic technology has already proved to be the ideal platform to act as the processing hub for collecting and preparing large volumes of raw real-time XML data and transforming it into a fit state for further analysis and visualisation by leading analytic systems such as ELK and Kibana, Pentaho and others. With Trio Data Engine, Triometric is using proven technology to help business analysts quickly access refined API traffic data to enable them to build analytic applications using their preferred enterprise BI tool.

About Triometric

Triometric helps online travel distributors meet the challenges and opportunities of today's fragmented distribution landscape using XML analytics. Built to the highest industry standards for business and IT professionals, Triometric technology is a powerful end-to-end API analytics platform that helps customers manage their complex distribution environment by giving them deep insight into their search and booking traffic. This actionable intelligence enables online travel intermediaries and suppliers to optimise their business performance by improving choice, increasing revenue and reducing costs.

Triometric customers include some of the leaders in the travel industry including GTA, Hotelbeds, Destinations of the World (DoTW), Miki Travel, and Bonotel..

Sonja Woodman
Marketing Manager