Source: JOSIC Media

The travel and hospitality industry is one of the world's largest industries with a global economic contribution of over 7.6 trillion U.S. dollars in 2016 and is experiencing growth almost every year.

This industry was among the first to start widely using digital in its interactions with customers because improving customer services is making clients and customers happy, which brings new guests engaged in order for a business to grow and prosper. We'll show you now the 4 digital marketing trends that will help you transform and improve your business in the travel and hospitality industry.

1. Using mobile devices for booking

Booking hotel rooms and tickets via PC is no longer trend since smartphones are all around us, and especially popular among the younger audience. Criteo's latest Travel Insights survey reveals the increasing influence of mobile shopping in the travel industry and the majority of mobile traffic and bookings comes from travelers looking to get away on a whim. Travel companies with mobile applications saw 60% of their bookings take place on mobile devices in Q4 2017, and almost 45% of all bookings take place on smartphone and tablet. This means that if you want to engage with your clients, you have to create your own mobile applications that would provide a deeper level of contact than just booking a hotel. You can add options like showing interesting locations near the hotel and additional services customers may need.

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