Ballynahinch Castle Hotel (one of the hotels you can book with Abbey Ireland & UK) — Source: Triometric

Egham, UK - Triometric, the leading provider of API intelligence for online travel distributors, today announced that Abbey Ireland & UK, an award winning Destination Management Company (DMC), has selected Trio Express to deliver real-time contextual insights into the performance of its API. This intelligence helps the company to optimise its accommodation distribution as the company expands its online services.

Trio Express is the Software as a Service (SaaS) version of Triometric's API analytics platform which monitors the health of an API environment, while providing deep analysis and reporting of all search and booking traffic to the company's booking platform from Tourplan, a specialist technology provider to tour operators and DMCs. The Trio SaaS model delivers out-of-the-box reports that help hotel distributors to get up and running quickly without the need for hardware investment, or skilled analysts to use the system.

As part of its online growth strategy, Abbey Ireland & UK was looking for a solution that could deliver immediate visibility into its online platform performance. Online travel interactions depend on a robust infrastructure. From tracking platform functionality to third-party integrations, monitoring these connections is critical as any distribution issue can quickly escalate and result in lost bookings and unhappy customers.

Using Trio Express the company can now monitor its real-time API connections, response times, and other operational metrics. Through interactive dashboards, custom reports, and alerts, the IT department can immediately be alerted to API transaction failures and exceptions. Any operational problems, message errors or availability issues impacting daily business and potential revenue streams can now be quickly detected and resolved.

"We are delighted to be working with Triometric to help us maintain a robust online distribution environment" said Claire Matanda, Ecommerce Online Manager at Abbey Ireland & UK. "We now have an end-to-end view of our operations and insights to ensure we deliver an optimum online service to our B2B clients."

"We welcome Abbey Ireland & UK's selection of Trio Express to help them optimise their operations" said Matthew Goulden, CEO at Triometric. "Leveraging the insights Trio brings helps Abbey Ireland & UK make data-driven decisions to deliver a quality service to its customers. "We look forward to continuing to work with them to ensure they get the most out of their XML data."

Abbey Ireland & UK

Abbey Ireland & UK is an award winning Destination Management Company and part of the Abbey Group, established in 1978. This Group is a collection of travel companies servicing the needs of its travel trade partners. Its core business is selling the destinations of Ireland and the UK to the global leisure travel trade on a B2B basis. Its focus is on 3 primary areas: Group Travel, Individual Travel and Online Services. For more information visit:

About Triometric

Triometric is the leader in API analytics with 20 years' experience working with the world's leading travel distributor and enterprises, helping them meet the challenges and opportunities of today's fragmented distribution landscape using XML analytics. Trio analytics helps customers monitor and manage their complex distribution environment. Actionable insights enables travel companies to optimise their business performance by improving their offers, uncovering opportunities and increasing revenue. Triometric is a privately held company based in the UK. Customers include some of the leaders in the travel industry including Bonotel and Marriott.

Sonja Woodman
Marketing Manager