Source: Oaky
Source: Oaky

Create a seamless upselling journey for your hotel team as well as your guests! Oaky's integration with hotelkit allows you to streamline the operational aspect of your upselling initiatives by instantly allocating tasks related to your upsell offers to relevant departments in your hotel.

Why an integration with hotelkit?

hotelkit is innovative, easy-to-use hotel operations software, allowing you to easily collaborate with your entire workforce via computer, tablet, and smartphone.

hotelkit's collaboration tool specialises in making handovers smoother by streamlining processes. While Oaky deals can be automatically registered in your system, every hotel manages the delegation of the associated tasks in different ways and with various degrees of efficiency.

With the new integration between Oaky and hotelkit, you can arrange that tasks for relevant departments and/or team members are automatically allocated as soon as the deal comes in. Communication becomes simpler, delegation becomes straightforward and tracking the progress of tasks becomes easier than ever.

"The integration between Oaky and hotelkit aims to make your life easier as a hotelier. Whenever a guest requests a service or an upgrade, that request will show up right in your hotelkit environment. You can even decide who in your hotel will receive this request. This way, you'll never overlook an upsell request from Oaky again. You'll see the difference in your incremental revenue!" - Coen Onderwater, developer at Oaky.

The integration in a nutshell

Oaky's integration with hotelkit makes it possible for incoming Oaky upsells to appear and be actioned upon within the hotelkit app, meaning a reduced chance of missed notifications. It also makes it possible that relevant team members are directly alerted, saving the steps it takes to manually delegate tasks.

"I believe technology should act as an enabler, helping someone do a task more efficiently and effectively, so they can spend time on things that matter! This partnership with hotelkit is a good example for that. The integration helps the hotels operations team to automate the execution of the deal requests via Oaky. They do not have to worry about forgetting to operationalise a guest's request. With the execution of the deal out of the way, they can focus on other tasks that bring value to the guest, their team and the hotel." - Saahil Karkera, Head of Customer Success at Oaky.

Advantages of the Oaky/hotelkit integration

"hotelkit puts everything you need for running your hotel in the palm of your and your team's hands. The interface with Oaky takes it to another level, sending all guest requests directly to hotelkit, where they can be handled right away. This makes upselling and satisfying your guests' needs as easy as ever." - Marius Donhauser, CEO hotelkit.

  • If an Oaky deal requires the attention of several departments, hoteliers can define specific recipients from various departments in their hotelkit.
  • Removes the need to log in to multiple platforms - manage the tasks associated with your Oaky deals in the same place you already manage the rest of your operations.
  • Take care of your employees as well as your guests. By cutting out the stress of missed tasks and extra manual work, you can not only enhance your team's workflow, but reduce mistakes and miscommunication.

Simplifying operational processes for hoteliers

Oaky and hotelkit's integration saves the hotel's front office and operational team untold amounts of manual work. The optimised communication and methodical process that hotelkit offers makes it a perfect partner to an upselling programme.

"The Oaky/hotelkit integration has worked out very well for us. It was a big plus for our reception that they no longer have to log in to different systems all the time. Among several other things, we use Oaky, hotelkit and a booking engine. Before these platforms became integrated, we all got constant email notifications, alerting us that this and that was going on in different parts of the hotel. You really had to deal with the risk of missing things - the process was chaotic. When you integrate this all on one platform you have a super overview, giving everyone on our team access to everything going on." - Karin Snitgaard, Web Content & E-commerce, Hotel Interlaken.

About Oaky

Oaky is a hyper-personalised upselling software that helps hotels boost revenue through enriched guest experience and branding. Enabling hotels to leverage segmentation, personalisation, dynamic pricing and more, Oaky takes upselling services and upgrades to the next level, maximising the average spend per guest and taking the legwork out of the upselling process. Oaky has been recognised as the Best Upselling Software by Hotel Tech Report for 5 years in a row and is trusted by innovative hotels, groups and chains across the globe, including the ONYX Hospitality & Radisson Hotel Group.

Anastassia Kravtsenko
PR & Events Manager

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