The hospitality industry was hit hard by COVID-19, with significant impacts for the entire chain in its surroundings. Most people postponed their business or leisure travel plans overnight, bringing to the surface many uncertainties about the future of this market.

As restrictions are being lifted, we can observe an interesting recovery in the growth of the hotel occupancy rate, accompanied by the necessary adaptations for this new reality.

Travel and accommodation remain on everyone's plans, but in addition to offering differentiated experiences to its customers, it is also necessary to include security and hygiene protocols so that guests and employees are safe for the resumption.

In this new scenario, the technology industry has played a strategic role by incorporating new solutions to provide unforgettable moments with security. In particular, just behind the curtains of the main stage, the IT infrastructure industry has been working hard to support new demands.

In our projects, we have seen an increase in the number of devices and systems such as facial recognition to provide more agility and security in the face-to-face check-in process, mobile / smart key, thermal cameras for incident prevention, activation of devices by voice command and internet access improvements.

From the network infrastructure manufacturer's point of view, we are prepared and aware of our responsibility to connect all these devices and people to the network, with the necessary performance and security. However, this alone is not enough. We must also develop solutions that are aligned with the current economic scenario of this market.

In this sense, we consider that the points below start to make a lot of sense in infrastructure projects for Hospitality:

Passive Optical Networks: The characteristics of this solution offer guests a better experience during their stay, providing internet services based on fiber optics up to the room, as used in their homes. From the point of view of the owner, this solution provides the following benefits:

  • Lower total cost of ownership (TCO): it is a solution that consumes less electricity, less space, as well as allowing greater flexibility in the distribution of access points throughout the property, always with the quality of the optical fiber. We estimate a decrease of up to 25% in CAPEX, 70% in OPEX and 70% in the space needed to accommodate this system compared to a copper infrastructure system, helping owners to rebalance their budget over the next few years.
  • Longer infrastructure life: Your fiber-based infrastructure will not be of any concern for at least the next 15 years;
  • Technology widely used in several hotel chains worldwide.
  • Centralized network configuration and management;
  • Extreme flexibility for adding, moving and exchanging network points;
  • All the devices necessary for this resumption, such as thermal cameras, facial recognition system, check in systems and door opening, communicating through an optical fiber infrastructure that has extremely low latency.
  • Small number of people involved, and less time needed for its installation, operation and maintenance: We developed a "plug & play" solution where the entire system is already tested and connectorized at the factory. In a real experience project, we were able to decrease the network installation time by around 60%;
  • 25 years extended warranty for passive: We understand the great importance of customers being directly connected to the manufacturer. Therefore, the extended warranty process offered allows the manufacturer to be supportive of the work performed by its Systems Integrator, validating the quality of the services provided and ensuring that they are in accordance with current International Standards and good practices.
  • Safe products, Protected people: Considering people's safety, we apply non-halogenated substances in our product's composition. What does this mean? It means that in the event of an eventual combustion, there is a low emission of smoke and toxic gas, better protecting your guests and employees from greater harm.
  • Project support services: We offer our experience so that each project can be customized according to the needs of each property, being it a new or an existing hotel.

The infrastructure industry must be in the same team of business owners, employees and, of course, guests, understanding their new levels of experience. We believe that soon we will have a vigorous recovery in this market, however, for this to happen, it will be necessary to move, offering a more connected, safe and comfortable environment.

Furukawa Electric, aware of this new scenario, was agile in adapting the solutions in its portfolio and is fully prepared to help you overcome this challenge, ensuring maximum return, with an effective strategic investment.

Furukawa Electric Group

Japanese company with more than 120 subsidiaries and modern research laboratories all over the world, Furukawa Electric Group is prepared to generate new technologies and products with the highest quality in the market for a more connected world. Furukawa provides innovative infrastructure for communication networks. Furukawa Electric's solutions were designed to offer high reliability thus reducing operating costs and increasing profit margins. Furukawa Connectivity System presents complete solutions from the equipment room up to the work area, providing indoor and outdoor cables and accessories, including GPON equipment while the broadband solutions portfolio presents complete solutions from the central office up to the subscriber's home.

Magno Fugisawa
Market Manager
Furukawa Electric