There seem to be two schools of thought in regards to achieving greater sustainability. One is based on a behavioural change to tackle societal and environmental challenges. More precisely in managing resources with moderation, restraint, and constraint (e.g. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle mantra). The other approach focuses on developing and implementing technologies to drive change. Here, the premise is that greater sustainability can be achieved if green technology is developed and deployed rapidly. With this in mind and considering the various sustainability challenges as hotels enter this new decade, what are the three (3) technologies to implement in 2020?"

Peter Varga
Peter Varga
Assistant Professor at EHL Hospitality Business School

Implementing large-scale technological changes in already existing buildings is challenging and often extremely costly. Nevertheless, new hotel buildings should consider sustainable design with low energy requirements. This includes the optimal use of natural energy such as sun-light, geothermal energy, wind, even water efficiency through rainwater harvesting systems, for instance. Additionally, both new and existing hotels should seriously reflect on implementing innovative technologies that intelligently and efficiently reduce food waste with a meaningful impact on F&B costs.

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