As spa development and wellness momentum continue to thrive, understanding the nuances associated with advancing this new growth is acute to evolving meaningful and successful investment choices. This viewpoint asks panel experts to share why these programs are worthy of investment and how they add value to hospitality experiences. Various challenges related to COVID-19 have accelerated prevalent needs for new operational, and technological changes. Whereas the ripples of 2020 are expected to reverberate for a few years. This viewpoint also shares thoughts on how companies, stakeholders, and developers can enhance existing businesses and make tactical investments for 2021 and beyond.

Claire Way
Claire Way
Managing Director at Spa Strategy

2020 brought to the forefront the uncertainty of life. This state of mind made us question the quality of our lives and focus on our vulnerability. The result is an all-time high level of interest in our health and wellbeing. Hotel spas are poised to support this human need, one option is with wellness programs.

Demand for wellness programs is coming from consumers as evidenced through continued demand for online tutorials that teach ways to improve our well-being and success stories of spas worldwide that, when allowed to open, have seen guests return with confidence. We've acknowledged that it is okay to put health first, so in 2020 we put new practices into place and formed wellness habits that we're reaping the benefits of.

A well-constructed wellness program increases occupancy and F&B spend as wellness guests are more likely to be captive users of the total hotel facilities if the program and hotel are aligned. There is a great opportunity to take a whole hotel approach to wellness programming and bring together facilities and amenities that work in synergy with your core wellness space – the spa. 

To be successful a solid reputation has to be built. There are many factors to achieving this but possibly the most important is do you have, or have access to the right personnel? Wellness programs need skilled practitioners. If you don't have the level of skills required in the team sustainable new hires will need to be considered, or partnerships will need to be formed.

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