Our recent study uses multi-year, objective data to clearly demonstrate that hotel properties that work with Online Travel Agents (OTAs) perform significantly better financially than those that do not, with commissions being more than compensated for by the increased revenues, resulting in higher bottom-line profits. However, in reality, many hotels still have a (perhaps historic) negative opinion of OTAs. While appreciating the resulting bookings, many still perceive OTAs as competitors rather than partners and fail to commit fully to what should be a win-win relationship.

With travel reigniting following the COVID-19 pandemic, what can/should OTAs consider doing to better seduce hotels and convince them to engage more fully with this valuable distribution channel?

George Noppens
George Noppens
GM E-Commerce at Fornova

Improved data sharing will help OTAs win over the most reluctant of hotels

It is clear that the Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) are all working hard to gain an ever-increasing share of the distribution pie. Despite Google expanding its services to win more on-site bookings and direct bookings also increasing, on the whole, the main OTAs have continued to dominate and grow throughout the pandemic.

That said, there is always more that the OTAs can do to win over the hearts and minds of those hotels that are determined to go it alone as the industry begins to transition out of the downturn.

At Fornova, we have long advocated that hotels should become more strategic in their partnerships with the OTAs making the most of their tools to boost their visibility in feeder markets they struggle to penetrate on their own while focusing their in-house resources on attracting guests from markets where they have brand presence – usually locally and within the drive-to regions. 

As Agoda's Andrew Smith has advised:  "Hotels need to look at more ways to increase their online presence, so customers are seeing them and increase their potential to convert.” In short, if guests can not see the hotel they won't stay there. 

There are three areas where OTAs can build better links with reluctant hotels:

1. Increase transparency

OTAs provide a fantastic range of tools to help hotels target their potential guests in their chosen regions. But, without improved transparency and easier to access data it can be difficult for them to track the results of their investment. 

While the functionality to filter promotions are advanced including options to filter by country and demographic, unfortunately the data for the results is less developed. Often hotels are only told the number of guests they have attracted as a result of the campaign and have to calculate the overall percentage uplift themselves. A relatively easy fix for the OTAs would prove extremely useful for hoteliers and quickly demonstrate the return on their investment.

2. Explain the billboard

It can be easy for OTAs to assume that the benefits they provide are obvious to hotels and it is just a question of when they will turn to them. But some of the knock-on benefits of promoting a property through an OTA are not widely understood.

Yes, they will help hotels improve their visibility online during the promotion but partnering with OTAs is shown to also drive traffic to brand.com sites. According to Expedia, research shows that 65% of consumers booking directly with the property visited an OTA before booking direct, and about 18% of those consumers even visited an OTA on the day of the booking. 

3. Share insider knowledge

Understanding and monitoring the comp set is central to distribution and revenue management – more so now than ever. The OTAs are a mega source of competitor data. Finding a way to share with their hotel clients which competitors are using promotions, including using country rates could be a game-changer for some hotel's distribution strategies.

With resources constrained like never before, it's understandable that some hotels will do all they can to avoid paying the big commissions to the OTAs. But they need to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. With their big brand presence and reach, partnering with OTAs are a highly effective way to reach markets where hotels would ordinarily get lost among the competition. By taking a few simple steps to improve transparency and build a stronger two-way partnership OTAs could convert even the most skeptical of properties.

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