The KUBE mantra is to incubate and accelerate start-ups in hospitality. We understand that in order to affect substantive change we need to reach a tipping point for the growth of start-ups. In technology, we are witnessing impressive growth in startups, meanwhile, for hospitality, we're not seeing that same growth.

So our question to you is: "How do we encourage a start-up culture in hospitality?"

Andrew Fay
Andrew Fay
President, Co-founder at The Gettys Group Companies

It's all about beliefs, culture, and behavior. Companies must have a purpose—and that purpose must be authentic, inspiring, actionable, and consistently shared across the entire organization. It's important to understand (and celebrate!) the power of diversity versus the challenges of sameness. Attracting and empowering team members from different backgrounds and cultures is fundamental to success.

All leaders must embody these values, empathize with their team, and carry this passion to a future client's needs, wants, and behaviors, both known and anticipated. This startup-inspired approach can create a foundation for future accomplishments.

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