Data driven decision making vs analysis paralysis

HN Summit Series - The REVENUEMANAGER - Season 2 - Episode #7

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As most of us have already heard, 90% of the world's data was created in the last ten years, and the amount of data created grows at a faster rate every year. The hotel industry is far from immune, with the various sources of business intelligence available today having exploded from the days when a few large Excel files and a weekly STR report was enough to get every Revenue Manager labeled a nerd.

The successful Revenue Manager today has transitioned from the historical "geek who can speak" to a skilled "data-driven storyteller." Many experts recognize that to use data effectively in this environment, the decision which data NOT to analyze is often the most important one.

So, considering all of this we asked our expert panel: How do you avoid the fine line between data-driven decision making and analysis paralysis?

The Revenuemanager Summit Series are co-produced in collaboration with FunnelTV The Traveltech Channel.

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