WASHINGTON, DC - The OpenTravel Alliance (OpenTravel), the travel industry's leading specification development organization, announces its first day-long meeting in Europe, the 2008 European Seminar.

Introducing the seminar, John Lambe, CTO of OpenJaw Technologies and Vice-Chairman of the OpenTravel Board of Directors said, “OpenTravel continues to see a significant increase in membership from outside the United States where online travel markets are rapidly evolving. Our mission at OpenTravel is to create global standards for online travel distribution whilst recognising the complexities inherent in regional markets such as Europe. We look forward to hosting our inaugural European seminar that will introduce OpenTravel and how it is addressing many of today's industry challenges.”

The seminar will focus on topics specific to the proven value of the OpenTravel specifications, and on how OpenTravel can benefit the European travel industry, including:

  • OpenTravel Overview
    Get an update on OpenTravel, including its structure, processes, resources and current and future work. Presenters include John Turato, OpenTravel chairman and John Lambe, OpenTravel vice- chairman and European representative to the board. Also included in this seminar will be a facilitated discussion about potential projects for Europe.

  • Getting Started with OpenTravel Schemas
    This seminar will be of great value to those who are new to OpenTravel schema implementation. Included will be a presentation will be an overview of the structure of the schemas, along with presentations by member companies experienced in the implementation of the schemas.

  • OpenTravel Success Stories
    Interested in driving ancillary revenue, dynamic packaging or direct connects? The use of OpenTravel schemas makes these functions possible, and in this seminar, OpenTravel members will present case studies on how they implemented the OpenTravel schema to meet their pressing commercial needs.

  • The Future of the Online Travel Transaction
    Listen as some of the largest distributors of online travel inventory discuss the coming commercial and technical trends, including the impact of social media on the online travel transaction, the impact of open source software on the travel industry and the impact of ongoing mergers on the big industry players.

This event is open to members and non-members. Registration is now open. For sponsorship and speaking information, contact Valyn Perini, Executive Director of OpenTravel.

Valyn Perini
Executive Director
+1 978 266 0032