bookatonce, the new online hotel software by Dortmund's protel hotelsoftware GmbH, gave a good accounting of itself in its debut at ITB 2009 in Berlin. The local and international public showed a keen interest in the innovative solution, present with its own stand at this year's ITB in Berlin, where it was unveiled to the public.

For all five days of the fair, the crowds at the bookatonce stand in the ITB technology hall were impressive. Hotel managers and technology partners from around the world were introduced to the web-based hotel software with integrated website and online booking function. Few passed up the opportunity to try their hand. Within minutes, in keeping with the bookatonce motto "", visitors were entering their first reservations into the system.

The attractive interface proved especially popular. "Even I can understand this!" was the surprised reaction from an older lady who after a few minutes had already grasped the interactive room plan's mode of operation. Other visitors allowed their enthusiasm free reign: "cool & sexy" was one Frenchman's take on the new application - he then expressed the desire to get to work immediately!

And the novel SaaS (Software as a Service) solution - no need for additional hardware, complex installation or expensive training - allows just that, a huge plus for bookatonce. The web-based application is simply launched with the Internet browser - protel handles maintenance and updates, without requiring the user's involvement.

At times, the free basic version's range of functions elicited something approaching disbelief. It took repeated assurances to convince one Panamanian visitor that he would only be charged if and when he personally profited from bookatonce, that is, only once a guest reserved a room over the bookatonce online booking function on his/her website. "That's fair!", he finally concluded.

protel and bookatonce

bookatonce is the latest product innovation by Dortmund's protel hotelsoftware GmbH. This web-based hotel management system is specifically tailored to the special needs of small hotels. Internet access is all that's required to work with the innovative solution. The basic version of the modular application will be available free of charge. The essential functions included in this version can be supplemented with add-on functional packages according to requirements.

In a few weeks, protel will begin product launch. Interested parties may apply using our registration form - and take part in an exciting raffle in the process.

About protel | Under the motto "Experience Meets Innovation", protel has serviced the professional PMS systems market for over 15 years. protel develops and sells technology and service solutions specifically and exclusively for the hotel industry and related sectors. Consistently focussing on the needs of this industry has made protel into one the most experienced and successful providers of professional hotel management systems: today, over 4000 customers in 50 nations run their businesses with hotel management solutions created by protel. The protel product range covers the full industry spectrum, from small independent hotels to hotel chains with a global presence. Individual product lines are modular in structure and can be flexibly and precisely tailored to individual customer requirements.

protel hotelsoftware GmbH was founded in 1994; it currently operates under the leadership of managing partners Ingo Dignas, Jörg Hermann and Manfred Osthues. protel's head offices are located in Dortmund, Germany; the company enjoys a worldwide presence, with a branch in Dubai and a dense network of partner companies that work in close cooperation with one another.

Susanne Detroy
Technical Communication and Public Relations
+49 231 915930