When a disaster strikes, hotel operators face a complex situation that begins by safeguarding people and property and rapidly expands to responding to the circumstances created by the shock to the system. For revenue management and sales leaders, preparing for and recovering from any event that significantly changes the supply and demand in a hotel market is a real concern. Here, we review six critical areas revenue managers must consider for disaster readiness and recovery, including: humanitarian and ethical concerns; sales and marketing plans; segmentation, pricing and distribution strategies; competitive sets; demand forecasting; and technology systems.

For more information, join Rainmaker for a webinar on 'Disaster Recovery & Readiness' on Tuesday, Feb. 20, from 11 a.m. – noon EST. A panel of experts who have dealt with disasters at their properties will share their experiences. To register, visit https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7449938234682096385.

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Dana Glaze
Marketing Manager