The right LMS can provide you with the necessary tools and functionality to free you from management hell and train staff faster and more effectively than ever before - especially if they provide readymade courses for you! But what happens when a course is part of a larger program?

"Sometimes courses are designed to be taken one after the other for a complete experience. Managers would traditionally need to assign and track each course individually, but with an LMS, that is a thing of the past." Said Sebastian Hefel, Innform co-founder and CTO, he continued "Learning paths can allow grouped courses to be delivered in a neat package to learners. Making it faster for managers to get their hospitality staff trained in no time!"

Why You Need to Be Using Learning Paths

Firstly, you may be asking yourself - what is a learning path? Learning paths consist of a group of courses, strung together so that they can be completed in a set order. They help to deliver your training as a complete experience, saving time for both managers and employees alike.

Create Structured Training Programs

Learning paths allow for that structure to be put in place, so learners will never be stuck waiting for the next course. After all, not all courses are meant to be experienced as a singular event.

Work Towards Goals

The structure of a learning path ensures that learners stay on track and are fully engaged in the courses presented to them, working towards the overall training goals you want to accomplish.

Save Admin Time

"Learning paths play a particularly strong role when onboarding new employees. You can set up learning paths well in advance and assign staff as soon as they've been invited to the system" said Michael Azzopardi, Innform co-founder and CEO. He continued "This streamlines the entire process for managers, taking a fraction of the time that it normally would take."

Complete with Certification

There are certain areas of the hospitality industry that require a deeper understanding, with compliance certification legally obligated to take place. Setting up a learning path that includes compliance training will give your learners not only a deeper understanding of the subject, but the certification required to perform this task.

This simple but powerful automation tool is simple to set up, saves you and your learners time and will get your hospitality staff trained in no time.

Try Innform FREE

For customers who would like to try the hospitality training platform, Innform offers a free tier that supports unlimited learners.

Michael Azzopardi
+44 07914314756