ROOMDEX automates, monetizes and ultimately simplifies the hotel room upgrade process by putting the power of choice in the hotel guest's hands. Founded early 2020 by Jos Schaap, Pierre Boettner and Denis Bajet, 3 industry veterans (Ex. MICROS, StayNTouch, Shiji and Nor1) who together bring over 90 years of hotel software experience around integrations, PMS, revenue management, BI, mobile, self-service and upgrade optimization software. For more information visit

About The Revenuemanager LIVE Series

Based on the success of FunnelTV's Marketplace, Hospitality Net and FunnelTV are teaming up in 2021 to launch a bi-weekly series of live streaming events exclusively covering revenue management and digital marketing in hospitality. Started in April 2021, The Revenuemanager events serve as a platform for smart insights and transformative debate as we navigate a brand-new, re-invention environment for the global hotel industry. For more information and full episode recordings visit

Jos Schaap