Tips on Thursday #7 — Photo by Steve DiGioia

Not the kind that gets you the corner office, a big expense account, or stock options; I'm talking about the kind you use to advertise and spread the word about your business.

How dedicated are you to promoting your business to the throngs of potential customers not yet aware of your product or service?

It's a never-ending process. Promoting your business, and the print, internet, and radio advertising used will build a foundation for your future success.

"Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need" - Will Rogers.

We all hope that our great products or service will be the impetus for a constant stream of new business, bolstered by great word-of-mouth advertising from our existing customers. Sadly, it's not that easy.

It still takes money, spent wisely, to get that new customer to walk through your door. Then, and only then, will your great service, friendly staff, and cutting-edge products be able to shine.

But always remember; the best product (and its promotion efforts) can quickly be negated by a disengaged employee who's more focused on the latest ball game, some juicy gossip about Kim Kardashian or a few cute puppy photos on Instagram.

No one ever said business was easy…

Promotions originally appeared on the author's website and is republished here with permission. Click here to subscribe to my blog and get your own Tips On Thursday by email each week.

Copyright ©2020 Steve DiGioia

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Steve DiGioia
+1 973 997 9003
Steve DiGioia

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