
Today guests expect more than just a room. They expect an experience. An experience that is seamless across the entire guest journey.

In this white paper, we explore how the exponential rise in the use of messaging gives hoteliers the opportunity to deliver on the long-sought-after “seamless experience”. Not only can it help deliver a better guest experience, messaging is also a key enabler in driving ancillary revenues.

The elusive “Seamless Experience”

The boardrooms of many hotels have heard the words “our guests want a seamless experience” and many hotel executives have wrestled with how to deliver it, particularly in a world where hotels are burdened with siloed and legacy technologies across the guest journey.

There have been many strategies employed to try and achieve this. Many luxury hotels have attempted to achieve this by increasing the staff to guest ratio, developing sophisticated policies and procedures, investing in expensive training programmes but they still fail to deliver across the entire guest journey where many elements are not in their direct control.

The heart of the issue is in the disparate systems that exist across the customer journey that are rarely integrated, have varied user interfaces, and hold differing profiles and preferences.

The Elusive 'Seamless Experience'— Source: AlliantsThe Elusive 'Seamless Experience'— Source: Alliants
The Elusive 'Seamless Experience'— Source: Alliants

Why does a ‘Seamless Experience’ matter?

From a guest’s perspective, it’s the overall experience that counts which is the culmination of every touchpoint, either digitally or in person. A McKinsey study4 on customer experience identified that customers of hotels that get the overall journey right may be 61 percent more willing to recommend than customers of hotels that merely focus on individual touchpoints. With a lot at stake, it is critically important for hotels to work out how to deliver the overall experience across both physical and digital interactions with the guests.

Measuring Customer Experience Satisfaction— Source: AlliantsMeasuring Customer Experience Satisfaction— Source: Alliants
Measuring Customer Experience Satisfaction— Source: Alliants

Is a mobile app the answer?

With the advent of smartphones, many hotels launched Apps with the aim of better supporting their guests and delivering a more seamless digital experience. However, only a small proportion of guests are willing to download Apps, particularly for a single stay (typically 20% of guests although this has risen to nearly 50% during the pandemic). This makes it very difficult to deliver a consistent experience for the majority of guests.

The answer is already in the palm of your hand!

Guests may not download an app for their stay, but the vast majority have one or more messaging apps already on their device. Facebook recently passed the 2.8 billion monthly active user5 mark, with 1.8 billion visiting on a daily basis, WhatsApp reached the 2 billion mark and WeChat reached 1 billion6.

Today, making phone calls does not even make the top 10 uses of smartphones, and increasingly messaging is the preferred method of communication between customers and businesses.

The Rise of Messaging— Source: AlliantsThe Rise of Messaging— Source: Alliants
The Rise of Messaging— Source: Alliants

But why is that? And what opportunities does it present hotels? There are many advantages to messaging-based communications with businesses. These include:

  • Familiarity and simplicity of the interface
  • Always available, no queues
  • Ability to multitask
  • No repetition with conversation history
  • Support for Rich Content
  • In their language with translations

For hotels, there are also additional advantages:

  • Improved customer satisfaction with messaging which consistently rates higher than other channels
  • Increased customer engagement with reduced drop-out rates
  • Allows agents to work effectively in teams, removing bottlenecks
  • Reduce cost per resolution with high contact concurrency and resolution rates

Messaging as the gateway

With guests expecting their interactions to be personalised, unique, and in real-time, messaging acts like the glue, allowing all the elements of the experience to be seamlessly delivered to the customer across the entire journey. However, truly delivering a guest-centric experience is much more than supporting numerous messaging channels.

Messaging - The glue to a seamless customer journey— Source: AlliantsMessaging - The glue to a seamless customer journey— Source: Alliants
Messaging - The glue to a seamless customer journey— Source: Alliants

Behind the scenes, hoteliers need the tools to help them better understand the guests’ needs and aspirations. These solutions need to be:

Guest Centric Solutions— Source: AlliantsGuest Centric Solutions— Source: Alliants
Guest Centric Solutions— Source: Alliants

Easy first step

Messaging is an easy first step to transforming the guest experience. With best-practice processes and templates embedded, implementations for a single property can take a matter of hours, configuring the product and training staff. Beyond the implementation of messaging, there are a number of integrations available that help to drive efficiency within the operation, these include:

  • Mobile App to enable contactless operations and mobile keys
  • Property Management System to capture guest reservations and room status
  • Service Order Systems to streamline staff operations
  • Table Management and Point of Sale Systems to capture table bookings and spend
  • Activity Booking Systems to capture ancillary bookings and spend

With a few key integrations, messaging can quickly deliver the ‘seamless experience’ in a very efficient way.

Curating the perfect stay

Alliants worked side by side with a leading luxury chain on their journey to being ranked the number one for their digital experience by Gartner. The digital guest experience was reimagined and delivered an integrated property and brand platform encompassing Chat, Mobile, Tablet, In-Room Dining, Concierge, and Residential with significant benefits:

Increased satisfaction:

  • 8% increase in Guest Satisfaction

Improved engagement with:

  • 30% increase in session times
  • 13 million messages in 75+ languages across 10 platforms
  • 3 x monthly active mobile app users
  • Grew mix of direct bookings faster than any other channel including OTAs

Drove ancillary spend resulting in:

  • 90% increase in spend for users of chat
  • 15% increase in average order value for in-room dining

Digital Guest Experience— Source: AlliantsDigital Guest Experience— Source: Alliants
Digital Guest Experience— Source: Alliants


Developing relationships is the heart of hospitality and technology will never replace the fundamentals, however, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought forward the need for contactless technologies. By using technology to unlock the ability to form greater relationships via conversation with the guest, hotels will grasp key benefits such as:

  • Driving revenues through both retention and ancillary spend
  • Increase guest satisfaction and build loyalty to the brand
  • Gain a deeper understanding of guests needs and optimise service to them
  • Give staff the tools to deliver better personal service by empowering them via information and communication

Messaging is the ‘glue’ that brings together the guest experience and unlocks these benefits. The sector has often shunned technology to interact with the guest as they feel it detracts from a personal service, however with the guest having their mobile phone as the fulcrum of their daily conversations, it's high time that hotels embraced this to evolve how service is delivered.

About Alliants

Alliants has helped some of the world’s most respected luxury hotel, travel, and retail brands deliver exceptional customer experiences. Founded in 2009, we have built industry-changing technology solutions, including award-winning mobile apps and chat applications that transform the digital guest experience. Millions of users around the globe use our technology as guests of the world’s most luxurious hotels and brands.

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Messaging is the easy first step to transforming the guest experience. Scan the QR code to start your journey.

Chat with us— Source: AlliantsChat with us— Source: Alliants
Chat with us— Source: Alliants

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Visit Alliants Customer Experience website.


  1. WhatsApp Data (Feb 2020)
  2. Accenture Pulse Check 2018
  3. Facebook Data (April 2020)
  4. McKinsey Study - Customer Experience
  5. Facebook Investor Relations Press Release (Jan 2021)
  6. China Internet Watch (Mar 2021)

About Alliants

Alliants has helped many of the world's most respected brands deliver exceptional customer experiences. Founded in 2009, Alliants has built industry-changing technology solutions, including award winning mobile apps and chat applications that transform the digital guest experience garnering usage by millions of guests around the globe. In 2022, Alliants secured a minority stake investment from Zendesk, Inc. (NYSE: ZEN), the global customer experience software company headquartered in San Francisco. In 2023, Alliants was recognised as a UK Best Workplace in Tech™ , a certification solely based on employee feedback.

Tristan Gadsby

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