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Some tips for getting started on Instagram as a restaurant owner

"Based on its global advertising audience reach numbers, Instagram has at least 1.452 billion users around the world in April 2022. This figure suggests that 23.4% of all people aged 13 and above around the world use Instagram today" -

Hence why Instagram is a must in terms of advertising. As a restaurant owner, Instagram allows you to broadcast quality content that encourages potential customers to visit your restaurant. It is an essential asset to make yourself known, especially among younger generations who are particularly present on social networks.

Use attractive visuals

Visuals are very important on an Instagram page. The better it looks, the more visitors will want to visit your restaurant. For someone to spend time on your page it has to be visually appealing. Here are some tips for an up-to-date insta page:

  • Respect the editorial line, i.e. your Instagram feed must be coherent and harmonious. Choose a colour scheme that you will keep throughout your publications.
  • It is also possible to apply a filter to your photos to keep the same tone. There are many tricks to optimise the quality of your content. For example, use websites such as Canva, which allow you to create your publications in advance and add original elements.
  • Choose a style that matches the restaurant's theme so that the user immediately understands your concept.

Tell your story

To obtain follower loyalty, it is essential to keep them active and interested. For this, storytelling is an excellent tool. It allows you to present your restaurant to your followers. You can tell your own story or a fictional one. There's nothing like a good story to make an impression and create the desire to come and discover your restaurant.

Here are some tips for good storytelling:

  • Highlight your team - Don't hesitate to introduce your staff. Arouse your readers' curiosity and let them discover your establishment as a whole. Your followers will feel closer to you, which will give them a feeling of comfort and belonging as if they were at home in your restaurant.
  • Encourage your followers to share their opinions - To do this, simply organise story polls or "call to actions". This means asking users to leave their opinions in the comments section. Your customers will feel involved and listened to within the restaurant. By using this method, you let the customer participate in the life of the restaurant. This builds trust with the customer whilst also providing new ideas for you.
  • Use fashion trends - Most Instagram users follow current trends. Take advantage of this to publish up-to-date content. For example, nowadays we talk more and more about vegan food for the sake of animal welfare and environmental protection. In this context, it is interesting to propose a suitable dish or menu. Advertise it on Instagram by posting an appetizing photo and highlight all the benefits surrounding this dish in the description.

What works best with the public

To maintain your audience you need to encourage your followers to interact. There are different ways to do this. You can use call to actions as mentioned above, but it is also possible to organise competitions. Offer your followers the chance to win a meal or dessert at your restaurant if they comment on one of your photos, for example. The participants don't risk anything except winning a meal while you gain more followers.

Worth a mention is a profession that has been popularised in recent years: influencer. Influencers are popular celebrities who share their opinions on the internet to guide or encourage consumption by their followers. Use these people to promote your restaurant on Instagram. Offer them partnerships, for example, a free meal in your restaurant in exchange for a plug on Instagram. Thanks to their notoriety, these influencers will give you visibility among their community who will be eager to try the restaurant where their favourite influencer went.

Instagram is an increasingly popular social network that attracts a growing share of the population and is one of your best assets to promote your restaurant at no cost. Don't wait any longer to sign up!