There seem to be two schools of thought in regards to achieving greater sustainability. One is based on a behavioural change to tackle societal and environmental challenges. More precisely in managing resources with moderation, restraint, and constraint (e.g. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle mantra). The other approach focuses on developing and implementing technologies to drive change. Here, the premise is that greater sustainability can be achieved if green technology is developed and deployed rapidly. With this in mind and considering the various sustainability challenges as hotels enter this new decade, what are the three (3) technologies to implement in 2020?"

Elena  Cavagnaro
Elena Cavagnaro
Professor of Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism at Stenden University of Applied Sciences

When I started consulting for the hotel industry it struck me that at least once in the seven years rooms are refurbished, and the whole inventory either thrown away or 'given' to staff (who on their turn may sell it under the local market price thus undermining local businesses). It occurred to me then, that the hotel industry should embrace cradle-to-cradle products and the 'product as a service' concept as soon as possible.

Secondly, listening to guests, I come to understand that they are indeed willing to join the sustainability effort but only if the hotel clearly invests in sustainability. Therefore, I would suggest technologies such as solar panels or roof wind turbines that are or can be made visible to guests.

Thirdly and finally, it seems to me that the hotel industry should immediately adopt all technologies that are no-regret, i.e. back of the house technologies such as insulation that increase guests' comfort and have a short pay-back period.

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