There seem to be two schools of thought in regards to achieving greater sustainability. One is based on a behavioural change to tackle societal and environmental challenges. More precisely in managing resources with moderation, restraint, and constraint (e.g. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle mantra). The other approach focuses on developing and implementing technologies to drive change. Here, the premise is that greater sustainability can be achieved if green technology is developed and deployed rapidly. With this in mind and considering the various sustainability challenges as hotels enter this new decade, what are the three (3) technologies to implement in 2020?"

Ioannis S. Pantelidis
Ioannis S. Pantelidis
PhD, FIH, CMBE, SFHEA, Head of Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Ulster University

The best technology is the technology that you have in hand. For example, I invested in a brand-new top of the range camera for photography yet 98% of all my photos are taken using my mobile phone. Similarly, hotels forget the incredible technology they have at hand and many hoteliers are underutilising it. That is information technology and anyone from an SME to a large corporate hotel have the infrastructure that with a few tweaks they can enable their management to make decisions on how to reduce their co2 emissions based on science-based targets or what results from your efforts for a more sustainable hotel yield.

Having the hardware infrastructure ready the only missing components are some basic sensors, a management sustainability program and a conscious effort at towards a more sustainable organisation. For example, reducing co2 emissions is not only for the good of the planet but also for better air quality for your staff and guests. Installing new light bulbs or smart energy systems or even technology such as solar panels is more meaningful if you have accurate reports that show your incremental improvements in your hotel every time you may invest into new sustainability-focused technology.

With that in mind my top 3 technologies to invest would be

  1. better utilisation of your information technology
  2. sensor tech
  3. smart energy tech.

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