There seem to be two schools of thought in regards to achieving greater sustainability. One is based on a behavioural change to tackle societal and environmental challenges. More precisely in managing resources with moderation, restraint, and constraint (e.g. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle mantra). The other approach focuses on developing and implementing technologies to drive change. Here, the premise is that greater sustainability can be achieved if green technology is developed and deployed rapidly. With this in mind and considering the various sustainability challenges as hotels enter this new decade, what are the three (3) technologies to implement in 2020?"

Xenia zu Hohenlohe
Xenia zu Hohenlohe
Partner/Director at the Considerate Group

The three technology to implement should be about (1) data monitoring; (2) app to engage staff & guests in sustainability and (3) food waste reduction. At Considerate Group, we focus on integrating technological improvements and behavioral change to achieve greater sustainability. And the way to achieve behavioral change (e.g. guest involvement) is to show data.


  1. Data Monitoring: So, we, therefore, launched a data-monitoring platform Con-Serve, which allows us to collect data on resource consumption (water, energy and Co2) in a hotel through real live data. It is a powerful online tool for many hotels enabling targeted reduction of operating costs and continual improvement, via tracking, visualizing, benchmarking and reporting of sustainability performance indicators. Con-ServeTM has been adopted by f hotels globally, such as Ruby Hotels, the Hoxton Hotel Group, the Oetker Collection, some Steigenberger properties, Qbic Hotels to name but a few (See:
  2. Staff & Guest Engagement: We also launched an App called Fluttr, which has the same goal of integrating real live data with behavioral change tips in order to achieve energy savings and ultimate reduce Co2 emissions for the hospitality industry as a whole (See:
  3. Food Waste Reduction: Winnow offers technological innovations that enable hotels to track, measure, classify and ultimately reduce the amount of food waste - a topic that is now receiving the needed attention by the industry (See:

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