The global hospitality industry has been through every perceivable calamity over the past decades: earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, major floods, terrorist attracts like 9/11, SARS, global recessions, epidemics and pandemics like SARS, MERSA, ZIKA, swine flu and now COVID-19. After each crisis, the industry came roaring back and I believe it will recover very quickly after the current COVID-19 crisis and will prosper like never before.

Naturally, each region and destination has had and will have its own decline and rebound curves as far as hotel occupancy, ADRs and RevPARs are concerned. Recovery post-COVID-19 will also be unique to each region, destination and property and will greatly depend on a) the underlying economic conditions in each region and destination, and b) the preparedness of each property for the post-crisis period.

This downtime of low hotel occupancies or property closures is the perfect time for post-crisis planning, digital marketing action plan development, product and marketing campaign ideations. The question to the digital marketing community is, which specific action-items SHOULD be included in a hotelier's Post-Crisis Top Three Digital Marketing Action Plan? In addition, please suggest one creative, OUTSIDE-THE BOX idea... something we have not seen yet in hotel digital marketing. Just an idea... big or small.

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Osvaldo Mauro
Osvaldo Mauro
Entrepreneur & Business Developer

First of all, it's too easy talking. We have a great buzz of people talking these times while it's difficult to extrapolate real value from all these free opinions. I'm writing from north Italy and I do it respecting hotel businesses that had to shut down, maybe forever. Anyhow, I agree with the positive approach and I think that the pain we're living is the biggest opportunity our industry ever had.

Three Digital Marketing actions:

1) Forget the easy path. Forget that you can find here or elsewhere a magic tool, a magic word or a simple solution for a "kind of complex problem". We're not talking about rocket science but I see too much the hotel industry executives stop at the first incidence or math relation that comes on the way.

➡ Start connecting the data between revenue management and digital marketing.

Find your way to do it, even in an easy approach but please match those prices with demand data from market analysis (aka "pressure on destination" KPI from suppliers as Hq Plus or similar).

➡ Once done, make the digital marketing acquisition costs DYNAMIC.

Cac, Cpa, Cps you name it, but understand how much you can pay to get a booking on a certain date.

Forget about getting online bookings, including direct, for free.

This means no blinded digital marketing budget made by dumb assumptions of last year or unrelated with the above trend. You can also read about this on our Profiter's blog or lookalike companies like Arise, Triometrics.

2) Do your part to inspire users on your destination. This should be the work of your DMO? Not an excuse.

➡ Get creative, spend some money and do your part to make people dream about your destination.

No ideas on how to promote your "Eastside Detroit" location? Have a look at how Switzerland DMO or the guys at Virtuoso are working on destination inspiration on socials during these times. (about the east Detroit neighbour have a look at how Jeremy Clarkson is seeing it).

If you want to "play harder" on this find how to connect your product data with social networks with travel advertising products such as Facebook Travel group. You can learn about this from companies like Adphorus or DirectYourBookings.

3) Deep-dive into Google Hotel Ads. Ok it's complicated, ok it was originally made for OTAs & big chains but this is the Ferrari of hotel marketing and learning to drive it, usually means to overtake your competitors, wholesalers, Gds and OTAs.

Don't stop at commission-based campaigns.

Understand the opportunities that PPC bidding brings and how to manage that with factorial PPC conditions called Multipliers.

Start from Google Travel Youtube channel. Then you can have a look at my previous guides and articles on this matter. Search for answers on Koddi's, Sojern, Mirai's blogs and on the others (59) official connectivity partners of GHA.

Well, I didn't propose to you a short path and I've cited a few names as examples, just to make things easier. But be sure this is a consistent way of taking it and remember that after the climb there's always the downhill (plus the view).

Take care :-)

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