There is so much data that a hotel has or can have access to... but in most cases, there's no one who understands how to translate these data into actionable insights on a hotel's current and future business. A vast array of external and publically available data can influence a hotel's performance, its offering and allows the hotel to be better at what it delivers to its guests and its shareholder. Years of underutilized data are sitting in PMS, POS, CRM, and other systems. More than ever hotels need to justify investments and budgets. So will a data scientist be able to give these answers?

Timo Kettern
Timo Kettern
Director Franchise Technology Services EMEA

Isn't it a shame: I'm having that ton of data available at my disposal – but, currently can't afford to further invest in talented people and high performance systems to give us more of these ever so helpful insights!

Never before in my career has it been more important to build actionable knowledge from data that will accelerate our recovery from the pandemic.

Yes, data-models and algorithms need to change to reflect the new situation – but this can be done by these talented people and powerful systems I (and many of my peers) cannot afford at this very moment in time.

But: I am convinced that it will get better again, our industry will recover and we will see these data driven projects starting up again.

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