Recovery, resilience, recalibration, or bouncing back are a few examples of keywords that are at the center of any discussion surrounding the hospitality industry's economic prospects this past year. However uncertain the economic future may be, major crises of earth systems are unabated to date. While similarities exist between resiliency and sustainability (i.e. both concepts refer to the state of a system or organization over time in response to instabilities), there are notable differences, and conflicts, in the two concepts (i.e. achieving short-term economic resiliency at the expense of socio-environmental wellbeing). Looking forward, all eyes are on resiliency (growth!) in hospitality but how do we decouple growth from impacts, most notably carbon emissions? How do we ensure that sustainability is a component of resiliency (or vice versa)? What are the five priorities the hospitality industry should set to tackle resiliency and sustainability at the same time in 2021?

Benjamin  Lephilibert
Benjamin Lephilibert
Founder & CEO, LightBlue Environmental Consulting

GROWTH may not be equal to EFFICIENCY: if you cannot increase your revenue or the number of guests in house, then it should be time to cut on avoidable costs (energy, food waste, water,..)! There are countless low-hanging fruits out there. This will translate into more efficiency overall while strengthening your positioning.

Set your own PRIORITIES: define which angle makes more sense/can have the biggest impact on YOUR operations (e.g. if you're an urban hotel with many rooms, can you improve your KwH/room consumption through revised Housekeeping SOPs?). Get Dir of Operation and Engineering involved.

Start with the WHY. Simple but systematic awareness-raising training sessions of employees can go a long way to support you on your journey to tackle unnecessary consumption of resources. Get HR and MArCom to work hand-in-hand.

Set TARGETS: what are the KPIs that will make sense to track, and objective to achieve?

CELEBRATE and RECOGNIZE your team's efforts internally and publicly, it is very effective and the payback is almost instant!

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