A recently published large-scale survey points out that the vast majority of travelers are keen on staying at hotel properties that engage in sustainability (1). Willingness-to-stay (WTS) is important to the extent in which hotels can capitalize on their sustainability endeavors through transparent communication. However, the same travelers seem to have difficulty in finding hotels committed to sustainability or simply are not aware that those hotels even exist (2); a topic discussed by the World Panel on Sustainability in Hospitality earlier this year (3). Beyond WTS, hoteliers are particularly interested in the willingness-to-pay (WTP). Findings from academic research are mixed, but recent studies point out that the willingness to pay a price premium to stay in hotels that have implemented sustainability practices is linked to the level of environmental concerns showed by individuals (4). Because ultimately, the price guests pay to stay at the property remains a major driver or barrier for travel decisions.

How should the industry communicate the added value of sustainability (rather than added cost) that resonates with guests that espouse similar values? How should the industry communicate to other segments which do not share the same values? How do we transform the perception that sustainability measures are simply a cost-reduction strategy rather than valuable and essential practices in this day and age?

Bill Bensley
Bill Bensley
Founder of BENSLEY

Willingness to Stay is definitely on the rise as consumers are becoming increasingly intent on putting their money where their mouth is - which is wonderful! Going along with that there is a wealth of information out there on every platform from T&L to Tripadvisor when it comes to sustainable hospitality options. People looking to book their next stay should definitely seek those articles out and apply their best judgement when it comes to avoiding greenwashing. A little research will reveal some really fantastic hotels and unique experiences they offer - which go hand in hand with sustainability, and merit guests Willingness to Pay!! The key is, as you say, for guests to be told, long before their arrival, when they are hovering over the BOOK NOW button online, what they money will support if they follow through. 

 I truly believe that clean tourism is the future and we all need to be thinking beyond just big numbers - as mass tourism isn't always beneficial to everyone and can be damaging. The many Chinese tourists Thailand welcomes come in on package deals, which are sold in China, where the money stays - on their trip here they might buy a two-dollar trinket, which does little to help the local economy, and a lot for destroying our natural environment. Instead encouraging guests who are WTS and showing them WHY they should be WTP for what your beautiful hotel offers - a unique, sustainable experience that puts them on the front lines of conservation (here I am thinking of Shinta Mani Wild) - is key. We need to be aiming for high yield low impact models like, otherwise environmentally there will be nothing left for people to come see.

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